Lucy and storm text telling.

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Lucy POV

It was lunch and we sat there eating our food when all the girls looked at me I knew that was my indication to talk about the text I had gotten earlier that morning.

I start to cry and cry.

and just blurt out does anyone want my food i need to go be sick so i rush off to the toliet and stick my hand down my throat and start to be sick. i slowly stand up and turn round to go towards the sinks when all the girls appear.

megan- lucy whats going on. she says conused.

i just stand there and say nothing

megan- what did A say to you to make you do this to yourself 

fine you want to know what i was told by this A creature thing said i it text

the girls- yes we do

my text said "don't eat swimmers are not meant to be small and fat like you,they are meant to be skinny just ask you mummies."   

megan- oh sweetie you are not fat you are chubby and chubby is better then being a barbie girl skinny and if swimmers are not meant to be chubby or in A words fat then you wouldnt be on the team. you should never let this A person get you like this because i sam sure you mummy emily will not be happy if she found out about you forcing yourself to throw up because a fe unkind words that are off a bully, who has nothing better to do with their life then make us 5 feel bad about ourselfs.

i know Megan was right and with that i hug her and we all then go back to fitz's room and i finally get some food down me.

Storm POV

lucy had just told us what her texted said and i felt absoultley terrible for her because we all know she has struggled being comtable with her weight for sometime and she has never said she feels perfect the way she is but yet we all know she is perect the way she is. we sat there for a bit when they all see my dad walk towards the principles office in a type of march.

Megan- storm what's your dad doing you haven't told him anything have you.

Storm- no because telling him means telling him about all our texts.

Megan- fair point, so what was your text about anyway.

Storm- I want tell you guys and Corey at the same time it is only fair.

Megan- fine we will go get Corey.
With that Megan and sparkle walk off and when they come back they have Corey.

Angel- so now tell us what

Storm- she takes Corey's hand. Umm, umm I'm I'm PREGNANT

Corey- you serious baby.

Storm- yep.

Corey- omg that's amazing I have to not tell anyone though.

Storm- just for now because I don't want my mum and dad finding out.

Corey- okay.
With that he gives Storm a kiss and leaves.

Megan- is that what you text was about Storm.

Storm- yer, my text message said 'your mistake my consequences, let's play who's going to tell mummy and daddy me or you.' --A

The girls all in sync with each other say, Storm you have to tell your mum and dad because if this A person does it your relationship with them won't exist.

I know they where right, but I just didn't know how to tell my mum and dad.

With that the bell went and it was mine and sparkle to go to my dads class.

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