Lucy fields

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'Good morning my dear mothers.' I say walking into the dinning room where they sat discussing the swim meet that is going on at hollis this after noon  which is where my mother Emily works as a coach.

'Good morning sweetie.' Paige my second mother and the stricter one says to me.

I go to grab my plate that has a pile of food on it. I start to eat it but suddenly stop when I get a really horrible text. I grab my stuff and leg it out the house and to my car where I read the text not once, not twice but three times.

It says, 'don't eat swimmers are not mean to be small and fat like you, they are meant to be skinny just ask you mummies.' -- A

I start to cry and decide to drive to the brew where I am meeting the girls when I get there sparkle and Megan are sitting there at our usual table out side not talking at all but but just sitting there sipping on there cups of tea or coffee.

I see that sparkle isn't wearing her usual attire and wonder if A had got to her and Megan has her head stuck in her school work which is unusual so I wonder if she also got a text off A. I decide to not to tell them about my text because they look spooked as it is and I didn't want them to worry.

I order a decaf coffee and sit with them in silence.

The new generation of liars. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang