Family is only skin deep: Chapter 11

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 It was a double period of Science so when the bell went for the start of break we were all extremely happy “Right I’ll film a message now, geez” I told Kevin and jumped up onto one of the desks since I couldn’t be bothered to stand, Miss Spark had gone out the room and said we could use it to do the messages. “Hey up, Kace. Can’t believe you’re leaving us like, that’s so weird cause I remember when you first came here and I thought you was just gonna be another Waterloo Road dropout. You proved me wrong there babe. I’m so proud of you for coming through all the shit you went through, I’m proud of you for this I always believed in you…well after I got to know you of course. Haha. I’m gonna miss you loads though, I’ll be expecting plenty of letters in the post telling me how you’re doing and I’ll be expecting that invite to the Commonwealth games when you’re in it. Anyway, have loads and loads of fun in America but don’t forget us and don’t forget if you ever get lonely up there I’ll happily fly up and see you, maybe keep an eye out on the boys and sunbathe while I’m there. Love you Kacey, so proud of you!” I said into Kevin’s camera phone and I watched as Dynasty smiled. I eventually walked out with Dynasty leaving Kevin to film the other messages including Barry’s “So you and Barry back on again?” she asked me as we walked into the library, I looked at her and sighed “Not exactly no” I told her, we sat down on the seats and I explained everything to her, I told her about me and Barry kissing, about how Barry was helping me leave Aiden, I even told her about Aiden being abusive which she was shocked at, “He seemed like such a nice guy” Dynasty said, shock in her voice before she pulled me forwards and draped her arms around me in an embrace.

Before I even knew what time it was the bell had gone for third period and I walked with Dynasty into our English room, I sat down at the back of the classroom with Barry and sat talking to him before Miss Boston came into the room. She told us that we had to read over the holiday which we all groaned at; Rhiannon started handing the books out when Miss Boston walked out with Sonya. I looked up at Rhiannon handed me my book before jumping a little as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket Come to the entrance cresh from Aiden. I bit my lip and widened my eyes a little before showing Barry the text. He looked at me and watched as I shoved my stuff in my bag and getting up from my seat, I took a deep breath and walked out the classroom ignoring the shouts from Miss Boston. I walked down the corridor and eventually down the stairs until I reached the cresh area and there he was stood, with his back to me. I could have ran, I should have ran in the opposite direction and to Christine’s office but I didn’t. I put on my best fake smiled before walking over to Aiden; I tapped him on the shoulder and watched as he turned around. I knew I should have turned around then, he had that look of venom in his eyes, the look he always has in his eyes before he hits me. “I told you stay away from him” Aiden spat at me, I started stepping back but he followed me his venomous eyes locked on mine. I kept stepping back until I hit the wall, I choked back a few tears as he closed the gap between us and put his hand to my throat. He lifted me up so I could barely breathe and held me against the wall as he spat insults at me, he eventually dropped me to the floor where I lay almost in heap but I knew it wasn’t over as I lay coughing to get my breath back. I looked up at him and watched him smirk before he started kicking me and shouting more insults at me, I closed my eyes and blocked it out as he kicked and punched and screamed at me. It went on for only a couple of minutes, he hadn’t been able to do much to me but I had gone numb before I felt his presence leave my side and I felt someone else’s, someone who cared about me, a warm presence. I opened my eyes slightly to see Christine looking down at me; I looked behind her and saw Aiden being held back by Mr Lowsley. Christine saw me open my eyes and helped me to my feet, she walked me into the library and sat me down on the sofa and I watched as the police came and took Aiden away, I was just happy this had happened during lesson and not at break when everyone could have seen. I stayed sat in the library before Christine came in with a paramedic, the woman in the uniform sat down in front of me and checked me over. She cleaned up my wounds and told me I was lucky he’d been when he had and told me I wouldn’t need to go to hospital but would have to sit down with the police about Aiden. I nodded and watched as she walked away “Come up to my office” Christine said and she helped me to my feet, she helped me walk through the corridor and told everyone to move as the bell went and everyone came out for lunch, they all stared as blood trickled down the side of my face. We eventually got up to the office and Christine cleaned me up again, she got the first aid box out and put a bandage and plaster over my face where Aiden had made me bleed. I stayed in Christine’s office for all of lunch, I told her everything that had happened and she let me cry it out and let me eat my lunch in there as well, she was almost like the mother I hadn’t had in so long.

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