"What do you mean?"

"You seemed angry at Jake."

"Did I?" He looked at the wall full of posters so I couldn't see his expression.

"Are you mad, or something?"

"Why would I be?"

"You just didnt seem happy."

"I'm fine," he shrugged. "Come on, we need to get you to class."

"Promise me and dont lie." He didn't say anything, just tugged my hand to get me to walk alongside him. "Elliott."

"Lani, are you planning on coming into class?" My teacher asked from behind me.

"Yes, I just need two minutes."

"Excuse me?" She raised her eyebrow.

Please, its really really important."

"Once the door is shut, Lani, it means you will have a detention."  I sighed. Elliott smiled at my teacher until she walks in the classroom then pats my butt until I walk in, giving me a mocking smile.

"We're not finished talking!"

"Yeah, yeah," he grins and blows me a kiss.

"We're not!" He waves his hand and disappears down the corridor. "Urg!"

"Please sit down, Lani. You're holding up the class." I spun around to see students looking at me. I walk to my seat and sit down. The class moves by agonizingly slow.

Once class is over i leave and find Elliott. Which turns out the be harder than I expected, it is like he is hiding from me.

Thank God, we both have a study hall right now. Once I find him, I grab his hand and pull him to me. “Elliott what is going on with you?”

He blinks and looks down at me, then he smiles. "Hey, love."

“Hi, now what is going on?”

"What's going on?" He looks at me with a adorable confused expression, making me momentarily forget what we were talking about.


"It was nothing, love," he smiles and kisses my forehead. "I need to find a book, be right back."

“El…” I watch him disappear into the aisle of books. What was wrong with him? I groan and sit on the ground, leaning against the wall.

"You do realize there are chairs literally a step in front of you, right?" Jake flops down next to me.


"What's wrong?" He puts his arm around me and pulls me closer.

“Is something going on with Elliott?”

"What do you mean?" He frowns and looks at me.

“He's kind of avoiding me. I asked him if he was mad at you or something and he wont give me and answer.”

"Mad at me?" He raises his eyebrow. "Unless it was for picking you up, then I haven't done anything wrong."

“That’s what I thought.”

He hums to himself as he thinks. "I guess I could ask him, I don't know if he'll tell me though. Normally he tells you everything then I find out."

“I just want to know what's going on. He was fine when he left my house last night.”

He covers his smile with his hand. "I'll find out, don't worry."

“Thank you.”

"Welcome," he smiles and rests his head on my shoulder.

“Well what are you waiting for?! Go now!”

"Calm down," he rolls his eyes and frowns at me.

“Jake, he's been like this all morning ever since he picked me up.”

"He's in lesson, I can't go barging in and demand to know, sweetie," he squeezed my shoulder. "As soon as I get him alone, I’ll ask and text you straight away."

"I know...I'm just upset. After what happened...I dont know why he's like this..."

"I'm sure it's something silly, okay?" He gave me a reassuring smile and stood up.

"I hope so." I would hate to think I slept with him and now he's going to break up with me.

"Cheer up, buttercup," he smiled. "I'll wait for him after class and talk to him."

I nod and let him help me up. "My study hall is here." I say.

"Try to not be depressed without my wonderful company," he gave me a wide grin before heading out the aisles of books and disappearing from sight. I grab my bag off the ground and sit at one of the tables.

Dirty Little SecretWhere stories live. Discover now