"I'm taking full blame for this. I can see in your eyes that you were thinking that I wouldn't." I shake my head and close my eyes.

"I didnt stop you, I knew it was wrong but I didnt stop you." The sofa shifted then I felt his arms around me.

"I know that last thing you want it for me to hug you right now, but I miss this," he whispers near my ear. I keep my eyes closed and stay where I am. After a few minutes I finally hug him back, missing his hugs more than I should have.

"You can't take full blame." I say.

"I should," he mutters.


"Because if it wasn't for me, it wouldn't have happened," he told me.

"How do you know that?"

He pulled back and looked at me. "I doubt you would have started that, Lani-bear."

"Maybe." I shrug. He closes his eyes and breaths out slowly through his nose.

"You would have started that, Lani-bear? You would have made the first move to kiss me?"

"I could have." His eyebrow slowly raises as he opens his eyes and look down at me.

"Somehow I doubt that, but okay."

"You want proof, ask Elliott."

He shrugged. "Okay. I'll ask your boyfriend, as your ex-best friend and someone you've slept with, about your sex life, sure, I can do that."

"You're impossible Owen."

"What do you expect me to say?" He looked down at me. "I'm not exactly happy about how all of this turned out, Lani-bear."

"And you think I am?" I ask. "The only good thing that came out of this is me getting a boyfriend."

He shook his head. "For some reason I get the hint that you want me to leave. You've got your boyfriend, you don't need me... I get it."

"Owen...that not what I'm saying."

"What are you saying then?" He rested his head back against the sofa.

"That I'm happy but not completely."

"Why aren't you completely happy?" He looked down at me and frowned.

"I dont have my best friend." His frown deepened as he looked away. I don't look at him.  My head snapped to his when he moved his fingers to intertwine with mine. I'm shocked. I blink and bite my lip. "What are you doing? Owen?" I say.

"Lani," he looked back at me with a sad expression, making my heart clench. "Please can we go back to being friends? Just friends, who talk and joke when they see each other. No rush to be best friends if you don't want to be."

I nod. "Yeah, friends." I can tell by his face that he wanted me to say we could be best friends again."We can work our way back to being best friends."

He gives me a small smile. "That's good. I guess I better go then. I'm sure Elliott is getting impatient."

"Yeah, thats probably a good idea." he still hasn't let go of my hand, and ive been trying to get it out of his but his grip is too tight. "Owen.." I sigh.

"What?" I lifted our hands up. "Oh, sorry..." he lets go. I give him a small smile before standing up. "So I'll see you tomorrow morning?" he says. I nod my head from side to side.

"I don't know."

"Okay." With a final glance, he opened the door and walked towards the front door.  

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