"Mom I already told daddy I'm wearing them that's why he sat them on my table " I heard Jocey say behind me

Well excuse me ma'am did he pick out a outfit that he want you to wear

"No he said that's for you to do , mom has aunt Pea called any today did she forget about me "Jocey asked all sad

Umm no baby not today she must still be on her business trip look Joc I know you miss her I do too but your auntie will never forget about you ever do you understand

"Yes ma'am I understand I just hope she'll come back did she have the baby yet mom"

"Ummhmm the baby already been born baby he's two or three now you'll meet him one day ok so let's stop talking about it " I said

Jocey been asking about her auntie all month its been a whole month since the last time they talked the last time they talked Pea was on her way to work I mean she'll send text telling me to tell Jocey "hey or she miss her" but that's nothing I even tried starting a convo with her through a text but that didn't get far her ass wouldn't even reply back I do believe she's still mad at the fact me and momma wasn't there to support her and I understand that because she was by my side throughout my entirely pregnancy but she should had been got over that my sister just so damn stubborn like our daddy and my daddy can hold a longterm grudge against you

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