Gale Redfox

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Parents: Gajeel and Levy

Siblings: Emma Redfox

Magic: Iron Make Mage

Guild Mark Location: Left side of his chest

Age: 16

Personality: Gale is very much like his father. They have the same laugh and they both like music. He can be misleading at times because he always has a poker face but once people get to know him he can be very nice. He is very blunt and doesn't care if it hurts someone's feelings. He is more softer and kinder towards Nova. Like his mother, he enjoys reading which makes him more closer to her. People often call him the boy with a heart made out of steel because he doesn't show his emotions too well. His hair was blue when he was little but turned black as he matured. He dyed it green so that he wouldn't look so much like his father.

Crush: Nova Dreyar

Friends: Nova Dreyar, Reiki Fernandez and Nash Dragneel

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