"Ugh! That guy, he didn't know what is waiting for him when he's back!" I chuckled as Myra did also.

"Okay, let's forget about him for awhile. How are you?" she asked shyly. It never crossed my mind that she knew already about my story because of my brother.

"Well, it's going to be a lie if told you that I'm doing fine right? I think I'm in the middle or in between the situation you know? After everything, I have to move on with my life. I can't mope forever, I may not be able to escape it and I have no reason to run away when I have a wonderful family and friends with me through all the way, supporting me. I've thought that, instead of getting mad against the world, I should be thankful for where I am and who I am right now you know. Not all the people in the world were like me, somewhere out there might don't have a home, a family to go home, friends who will stick to you through everything, an annoying brother (we bought chuckled). Something like that." I smiled at her. She is looking at me in the eye like she is thinking of something.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm just so proud of you Sam. I am so lucky; I mean we are so lucky to have you. You are the person I know who really have a huge heart to see things in the bright side even if you're standing in the dark. You know what I'm saying? You are something else and I know that Luke were also so much proud of you." She said and I thank her for the wonderful words she said. I bit my lip not knowing whether I should tell her about Luke and me.

She is my best friend and she has the rights to know.

"I know that loom Sam, now tell me." She orders as she drinks his juice.

I sigh deeply and look at her.

"Luke and I were finally over, like over." I told her and she is just looking at me sadly.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled and went beside me to envelope me in a hug.

"It's okay, there are things that need to be ended and things to let go. He deserves to be happy Myra, he wanted freedom so let it be. All I want is for him to be happy and I'm good." I truthfully told her.

Sighing, she let me lean my head on her shoulder and comforted me for awhile.

"He didn't know what he is missing Sam and that is the biggest mistake that he ever made." She told me.


We are both at the mall, trying to 'lighten up' things. Don't blame me; I just quoted what she said.

"You want to try this?" she asks as we were looking at some shop that I don't remember what the name is.

"No thanks, not in the mood to get out on my outfit today." I told her as I kept looking around the store. When I finally look back at her, she is still holding the dress and hands on her hips.

"So tell me what are we doing here now? Are we just going to stand here?" she said and I can't help but grin.

"Maybe, that would be lovely you think?" I tease.

"Come on Sam! I'm freaking serious you know?" she grumbled. Stomping like a child as she looks around.

"Fine, fine, this one only and we're done okay?"

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