Chapter 1 - Victoria's Secret is a No No.

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"I'm so excited! I haven't been to the mall in ages. I'm literally going to spend so much money today!" One of my best friends, Isabella, says to me. We were driving to the mall, her going on excitedly about the new sale. I spaced out, looking out the window.

I wasn't looking forward to going to the mall. But Isabella's one of my best friends and I would do nearly anything for her. I found the mall boring and totally not my scene.

Isabella pulled up to the front entrance and squealed excitedly at something in front of the shoe store. "Beth, BETH!" The high pitched scream rung in my ears from Isabella's shrill voice.

"Take out your damn earbuds Bethany and pay attention! Look how many cute boys there are!" Isabella said, eye raping one with a red beanie.

"I can't do that when they dress like it's winter! We're in the middle of freaking August! I think they're big boys now, they don't need their mommies to dress them up in cute little hats in this heat." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Oh come on Beth. They can pull off the look. And who cares how hot or cold it is if you look like that?!" Isabella said, gesturing to their appearance.

I made a mental note to myself to get this girl a boyfriend, this hitting on every guy thing is getting creepy.

"Whatever Izzy. Let's actually make it inside before they call the cops on you for your stalker starring." I say giving her a smirk, with that we get out of the hot car and walk into the cold, air conditioned mall. She should really fix her AC, that car ride was like a thousand degrees...

"Ah! Forever 21 up ahead! Let's go!" Isabella says, dragging me into the store. I groan inwardly and let her drag me in. The bright store had clothing racks stacked to the brim and freaky mannequins modeling the products. Isabella immediately went straight for the bikini rack, while I took a little stroll down to the Black & Co. area of the store.

Black & Co. sold lots of black rings that had different charms on them. I nearly had their entire collection. I'm obsessed with them.

I looked through them to find one that I didn't have yet. It was dainty with a tiny gold moon charm encrusted into the ring. Considering this will probably the only purchase I will make today, I bought the ring,(which left me pretty much with an empty wallet) and went over to the front of the store to wait for Isabella. Damn can that girl can shop.

Once Isabella felt she had robbed Forever 21 of all it's best clothes, we moved onto the next store. And the next. And the next. By the end of the fifth store we've visited, my legs started to feel sore from the extreme walking we were doing. The skirt Isabella forced me to wear over my shorts was not helping.

"Izzy, I need a break. If I walk another step I think my legs will fall off." I say, sitting down on an extremely comfortable bench. Compared to what my legs felt like when I was walking this is heaven.

"Come on, Bethany! We've only went to five stores. You really need to get in shape! I don't usually get tired until the seventeenth store." Isabella proudly states, sitting down next to me.

I started to close my eyes, wanting to just drown myself in the darkness of my eyelids. Suddenly a loud shriek pierced the air, and the weight beside me lifted. Damn it. So close to precious sleep.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Victoria's Secret! Come on!" Isabella urged me, her eyes rapidly moving between all the different coloured bras.

Forever 21. Okay. American Eagle. Alright. But Victoria's Secret? That was a no no. There was absolutely no way I was letting some lady measure my boobs. No one touches my boobs.

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