Hell's Throne - Chapter One

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The underworlders certainly knew how to celebrate with style. 

As the crowd outside of the castle continued to grow and swell, the sky above shone with the light of a thousand paper lanterns. Most of the city had come together to send off the newlyweds on their honeymoon. It was almost as much of a fanfare as the actual wedding. I suppose it wasn't every day that the Lord of the Underworld got married.

People waved and cheered from a respectable distance. Streamers and confetti fluttered through the air in a vibrant display. Yet all eyes were on the tall blonde man in the centre of it all and the fierce looking beauty at his side.

Nicolette stood on her tiptoes and murmured a few words to her new husband before tilting her head back. Hades immediately bowed his body so he could brush his lips against hers, the action gentle despite his large stature. As he pulled away, the gentle giant cupped her cheek, his thumb caressing her skin in an attempt to stretch out the moment for just a moment longer. Seconds later the blue haired woman climbed elegantly into the waiting carriage, undeterred but the long purple skirts swishing about her legs.

"Thank you so much for doing this." Hades murmured, giving Lucius a shoulder bump and a hard clap on his back in a statement of manly affection.

"We're happy to do it." I replied for us both, smiling and accepting his hug before pushing him towards the waiting carriage. "Now get going, your bride is waiting."

His teeth were gritted together even as he nodded his head but it was like he hadn't heard us. Instead his gaze darted up at the glistening black castle behind us. I could see the war happening within him. No matter whom he wanted to be, Hades would always be a ruler first and foremost. But even he deserved a break.

"We'll make sure it's still standing when you come back."

"Go. We'll take care of everything." Lucius added, coming to stand at my side.

When the blonde God hesitated, I folded my arms over my chest. "Don't keep her waiting. We women don't like that." I teased.

Hades' eyes widened. He gulped and ran a hand through his hair hesitating for just a moment longer. "Right, I better go then." He looked between the two of us for several long moments before giving a stiff nod of his head.

With one last round of farewells, he dragged himself away, one leaden foot at a time. Finally the carriage pulled off.

"See you both in six months," I shouted but, with Lucius's pride steed pulling the carriage, they were already too far away to hear me.

With my hand waving wildly above my head, I watched the carriage as it trundled along the driveway right up until it disappeared from sight. It felt strange, to be here in Hell, watching as Hades and his new bride rode away. Usually it was me leaving the underworld. This time however I wouldn't be leaving for long time. As a gift to the newlyweds, Lucius had agreed to take over rule of the underworld for six months. Now that I was his fiancée, it meant I was staying too.

I didn't mind it. Hell was nothing like the stories I had been told as a child. Yes, the fiery pits existed but only those who were truly evil were sentenced to the Tartarus Prison. I had been sent there once against my will and it wasn't an experience I wished to repeat. I shivered and dropped my hand back down to my side. Sometimes the nightmares were just too close to the surface.

"Are you okay?" Lucius asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pressing a kiss on my forehead.

"Yeah, I'm good." I responded, lifting my head so that I could look into his icy blue eyes. My breath caught in my throat for just a moment as I noted the contradicting warmth in the depth of his stare. "I'm nervous but good."

Hell's Throne (The Devil's Assistant Series - 5 ) - UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now