"She said something about throwing up," said the boy who sat next to her. His fists were still clenched and his shoulders tense.

"No matter, I will check on her at the end of the class. Anyway, you need to be aware of what's going on in this world around us. Many of you may believe that these occurrences are far from you. And I don't mean to scare you, but they aren't. Some of you may wish to be aurors when you graduate, and you will be the first to learn that the Phoenix is just around the corner. This is the reason we have this class. This is why it is crucial that you pay attention. This is how you'll survive, and maybe take part in restoring this world to peace."

Clarke sat in shock and horror, absorbing everything the professor said. She had so many questions. Were these the people that killed her father? Did the events in her dream actually happen? Is he the powerful one downed as told by the prophecy? Why didn't the muggles know about the Phoenix? What exactly was the Phoenix?

Clarke was dragged out of her thoughts by a loud thud in the back of the classroom as the door was thrown open. Surrounded by swirling robes, Headmaster Kane rushed into the room. He had a determined look on his face that just barely masked one of complete panic and dread. Indra stopped talking as she read his countenance.

"Sorry to interrupt, Professor. I understand you are giving a very important lesson. However, we have something to discuss," the headmaster strode to the front of the room and began to whisper in Indra's ear.

Clarke couldn't hear what they were saying, but once every so often a lone word made its way to her straining ears. "...Forbidden Forest... ...young girl... ...fell... ...Jaha... ...greenhouses..." The longer they spoke, the more emotion Indra's face betrayed.

"Class... Is dismissed. Return to your common rooms please," Indra told the class as she followed the headmaster out the door.

Lexa turned to Clarke, "Do you have any idea what that was about? Professor Indra looks like she came face to face with a member of the Phoenix herself!"

"I don't know, but I reckon we might be able to find out," Clarke waited until the last student rushed out of the classroom. Most students were ecstatic to leave a class early, especially a dismal one like this.

"Okay," she leaned in close, whispering, "I was able to make out a few words that Headmaster Kane said. Forbidden Forest, young girl, fell, Jaha, and greenhouses. Now I have no idea what any of them mean, but I think we could investigate. We need to either go to the Forbidden Forest or the greenhouses, but I expect the latter."

"Clarke you're brilliant!" Lexa exclaimed, placing her hands on Clarke's shoulders. "I was hoping you would want to do some exploration and investigation tonight, but right now will work."

The two of them stood up and prepared to go straight to the greenhouses.

"Wait... We can't make it seem like we heard them talking. We need some sort of reason for going to the greenhouses in case we get caught. We don't want to get in trouble for snooping," Clarke was beginning to doubt their decision.

"No worries, we'll just say you forgot your notebook in the greenhouses earlier and you were looking for it. If we get as far as the greenhouses and we get caught there, we'll say you were looking for Wells' father to ask what Wells' favorite animal was because you were going to draw it for him. You can just tell them you didn't want to ask him personally because it might give away the surprise!" Lexa seemed proud of her excuses. Definitely a Slytherin, Clarke thought once again.

"You seem to have it all worked out, let's go," Clarke smiled and opened the door.

Clarke and Lexa tried to act nonchalant as they made their way to the greenhouses. Surprisingly, no teachers were in the corridors. They stepped outside and wandered through the grass toward the greenhouses.

"Let's wait outside and peer in the windows. No one ever comes to this side of the greenhouses, except Jaha to take care of his compost pile," Lexa tugged on Clarke's arm and led her to a opened window panel on the side of the greenhouse.

They peeked inside. Although the view was partially covered by a few-- hopefully not poisonous-- plants, the girls could see three adults surrounding a seated girl, probably around nineteen years old. The adults were Headmaster Kane, Professor Indra, and another woman that Clarke didn't know.She was probably another teacher. She seemed quite young, but seemed to be respected by the others. Professor Jaha was sitting in the corner at his desk doing who knows what.

As for the girl, she was bruised and bloody, covered in dirt. Her words were drifting through the open window.

"They took me and they tortured me. It was unlike anything I've ever experienced. I have no idea how long I was in that house. It can't have been more than a few days. It was me and a few other kids. They were all students at other schools. One was a Beauxbatons girl, but I didn't know any of the others. I was..." The girl trailed off. The headmaster gestured for her to keep going.

"I was the only one who made it out," a tear rolled down her cheek. "I managed to get a hold of of a broom and I flew here."

Indra asked her a question, but the placement of her body prevented Clarke from hearing what she said.

"I don't want to talk about it, please don't make me." The girl looked terrified.

Jaha spoke up from the corner. He spoke slowly, as if still assessing the situation.

"Her broom was hexed. They must have known she would come here. What kind of criminal organization just leaves a broomstick lying around for a prisoner to steal? No, they were toying with you. They probably placed a spell on it to make it kill you as soon as you reached any sort of safe place. You're lucky you weren't flying any higher or you would have died."

The girl considered his words, burying her head in her hands.

"You've been through a tough situation, we know. But you're safe now and our first duty is to protect you. Is there anything else you need to tell us? Your name perhaps?" The other woman finally spoke up.

"That's Professor Anya, I've mentioned her before. She and I are friends, which is strange, considering she is now my teacher. She's only a few years older than us," Lexa whispered barely opening her mouth.

"Raven Reyes, you probably know my mother," Raven spoke into her hands, not daring to show her face.

Lexa gasped, "Raven's mom was one of the first aurors to be killed when the Phoenix started to become a large organization. Aurors are the people who catch dark wizards. They're sort of like the wizarding police, but only for the baddest ones."

Clarke's eyes opened wide. Her heart went out to this poor, broken, tortured girl sitting across the room from her. As she listened to her speak, she began to think. What if this was the "one found" in the prophecy? The answer lies in the mind of one found. She certainly was found. Did this girl, Raven Reyes, daughter of a murdered auror, have answers about her father's death? Clarke snapped her attention back to the girl as she opened her mouth to speak once more.

"Also," Raven continued. "I'm not sure if this is relevant or not. I don't even know if this girl exists. But I did hear one of the Phoenix members mention a girl named Clarke Griffin."

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