If You're A Nation

23 2 2

Title: If You're A Nation

Pairing?: None

Word count: 191

Notes?: None


If you're a nation,
Scars disappear,
And pain doesn't really hurt,
Unless it hurts your people,
So you push on,
And remind yourself it's useless,
Because no matter what you do to that body,
It will never be truly hurt.
Hurt like you are,
Because how else would you feel,
When people see you as no more than a rapist,
A psychopath,
A weakling,
An idiot,
A slut,
Or nobody at all.

If you're a nation,
You're truly alone,
Isolated from humans,
Unable to connect with your peers,
So you hate yourself,
And curse your destiny,
Because immortality isn't worth it,
When you're convinced you're worthless.
Worthless like all the tears,
And self-loathing,
For your bosses to dictate your actions,
And your mind to dictate your injuries.

Injuries, however, can heal,
For if you're a nation,
You have forever to find yourself,
Forever to realize there is good in the world,
Forever to be the person you want to be,
Forever to realize the person you are is good enough,
Forever to be accepting of yourself,
Forever to realize you, as a person, are worth it.

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