Chapter 6- the library

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Waddup bootyful humans, I'm back for more ;)

Everyone are finally inside the library doing their projects. (y/n) was just working on the pictures while Karma is researching some Information.

But what annoys (y/n) is that a certain girl named Okuda was kiNdA iN tHe wAy for grabbing Karma's center of attention

I mean come on! (y/n) is supposed to be Karma's partner!!

But wHy is karma and okuda working together?

"ne okuda, can you tell me some facts about how the heart travels while I'll research some more facts?" Karma politely asked while Okuda nodded.

And okuda blushed.

"I gotta admit that Karma and Okuda would make a cute couple ^-^" (y/n) thought inside her head.

But somehow she felt like she wants to get a knife and kill a carrot.

"hey karma I'm done drawing the pictures for representing our project so let me help you research the project mkay?" (y/n) smiled like a dead person.

Okuda should buzz off now since I'm helping karma researching stuff and she work on her OWN project instead ^-^

Karma turned around and shook his head, giving (y/n) a lazy smile.

"nahhh... Okuda is helping me so its fine." karma went back to work on the project. Okuda blushed a little bit like a cute shy girl.

"well, let okuda rest for a while and since I'm YOUR science partner I should be the one helping you, Akabane" (y/n) folded her arms and smirked.

"oh~? Well then I'll let Okuda---"

"n-no no no!! Its okay!! I like helping other people anyways!! So let me help you Karma" okuda smiled kindly. (y/n) signed and gave up.

Okuda seems like a nice person... After all she's just trying to help...

"oh alright then" (y/n) decides to be kind.

Maybe :^)


This is such a short chapter oops

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