Chapter 34: Story {Basil}

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I stand back during Isaac's graduation party and watch. It's what I've done the past few weeks. Zipporah has been focused primarily on Isaac and so I have given them space, but I wish I had a little more attention. Honestly. But after this Zipporah has assured me that we'll get more time together beginning tomorrow, "You're staring off into space, Basil."

"I'm just watching the celebration. Everything is so different from how I was raised." I answer. Mrs Roux nods and sighs.

"I can tell, but you've been very good at adjusting and exploring. It seemed you enjoyed the graduation."

"We don't have graduations like that in Eldstein. It was very interesting to see time and time again how different out cultures are."

"May I ask you something, Basil?"

"Of course, Mrs Roux."

"Are you really excited to be here? Or are you doing this for Zipporah?"

"Both, you could say."

"Hmm..." She's quickly tugged away to tend to the cake and I feel familiar arms twist around mine.

"How are you holding up?" Zipporah inquires gently, pecking my cheek. I smile.

"I'm just taking it all in."

"You didn't have a graduation or graduation party did you?" She whispers, pressing close. I shake my head.

"I did graduate but it was nothing like his. It was dull and straight laced. I didn't receive a party because I was the youngest."

"Hmm," Zipporah nudges me, "Basil, I'm very happy to see you putting such an effort into adjusting and cooperating with my world."

"I have found that it is worth it. I really enjoy it here.., Was yours like this?"

"No, we had a quiet dinner at the Space Needle with a couple of friends. It may not have been electric but it is one of my favorite memories." 

"Zipper, come over here!" Isaac calls excitedly, waving wildly for her to join him beside the cake. 

"You'd better go join him." 

"Yeah." She agrees and hurries over to help. As she disappears in a pool of cake-hungry guests, Mr Roux catches my attention from the doorway and motions with a nod for me to follow him. I push off of the wall and make my way to the back porch.

"Is something wrong, Mr Roux?" I inquire nervously when our eyes make contact. A tingle runs down my spine. Once I'm seated in a porch chair he stiffens. 

"Basil Wieland Kaiser, third prince of Eldstein. Did you think you'd be able to keep it a secret? This... prince business?" 

"I hoped that I would be able to stay off of the radar for as long as possible. How did you find out, sir?"

"You made no attempt to cover up. Both you and Zipporah have used your exact name, making it easy for me to figure you out. Why did you leave Eldstein, really?" After a pause, I explain what happened with us and my family in selective detail, leaving out Rask Industries and Grandfather. Mr Roux listens with rapt attention. When I finish he leans back in his wheelchair and sighs in contemplation. 


"Basil, do you know why Zipporah was not very trusting when you first met? Why I background checked you as well as supervised both of you very closely?" I narrow my eyes, worried. 

"No, sir, I do not. I assume that something happened in the past." Mr Roux purses his lips and exhales. 

"A little over three years ago, Zipporah was in a relationship. The guy was Ty Cooper. He was a looker; a ladies man and very charming. Very similar to you. Zipporah and Ty were quite the pair and many people thought they'd get hitched- including me. Around the one year mark of their relationship Ty was bullied because he had not taken Zipporah's virginity or even broached the matter with her. If he'd had any worth he would have resisted the temptation and removed himself from the negative influences," As he stops to take a breather I realize that I'm leaning forward with my elbows on my knees, hands clasped, facing him directly. Things start to click, like how she was reluctant to go with me on our first lunch date,

"I'm not especially comfortably with a Prince being sporadically generous to someone foreign and strange. I would prefer to go home unblemished."  

I remember thinking it was a form of modesty and had not thought about it much afterwards. Now I wish I had asked her about it instead of hearing it from Mr Roux. He looks hallowed and grave, "Ty gave in by degrees. At first he proposed, like a man should. Zipporah refused because she had just been picked up for a special academic exchange. When that didn't work he continued to pressure her by asking her to elope with him. Zipporah refused again and again, then finally broke it off. But he didn't stop. When she dumped him he retaliated and tried to take advantage of her by brute force. I remember her voice and the bruises when we got to her. He hadn't gotten far but I had never seen her so mortified. Ty had been brainwashed by his friends and there wasn't any going back. His own family supported his effort to dirty my daughter, too." 

I feel like all air has been sucked from my body. I stare at my hands, trying to respond but somehow unable to, "I wish she'd told me."

"It was a very traumatic experience for her, she was hurt very badly by someone who she had felt quite deeply for. For her not to have mentioned it speaks volumes. She wants to forget and move on."

"When I took her on our very first lunch date, she hinted that something had happened in the past. She tried to avoid me."

"Basil, I told you because I felt that you needed to know. I also wanted to determine what kind of man you are by watching your reactions. Would you cave to your family or resist? From what I can tell, you would resist."

"Sir,.. I love Zipporah. Your daughter is the best thing to have happened to me. I hope I'm the same for her."

"I can't speak for her, but I'm thinkin' you might be. Besides, Zipporah would not make the same mistake twice. You are more important in her heart than you think. I can see it in her eyes. That is why, Basil, I want you to think about your priorities and future. Be mindful during the time you spend here. Zipporah doesn't let go easily and her heart is deeper and more delicate than she lets on."

"Mr Roux, I have been thinking about the future a lot since we came here. I will take your advice, but I already know my priorities."

"Fine." He accepts my answer with a stern gaze, tight lipped. We shake hands and I sigh.

"Please excuse me, Mr Roux."

"Go ahead." I head inside and Zipporah immediately grabs my arm, yanking me towards the cake. The sparkling smile she flashes is contagious. Yet my mind is preoccupied with Mr Roux's advice. What do I want to do with my future?

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