Gaypter (Gay chapter) 7

Start from the beginning

"Well, I know you have been thinking it." I interrupted, "Anyone who isn't as oblivious as Harry Potter has been thinking about it. Now Michael, I'm glad you are sitting down, because the problem we know you have may surprise you." Michael nods seriously. I turn my laptop towards him and present my power point.


Why hiding your gaytastic nonstaightness is very bad for the soul.

By: Gabriel Middle gay name Novak


"Oh my gay." Sighed Michael, "Not this shit again, I'm leaving." Michael tries to get up but I quickly sit on him.

"I knew you were going to leave, that's why I ate all the food I could find. To stop you, no one can escape my weight." Michael sighs while facepalming.

"Gabriel, get your gay ass off of me. I don't want to go through this again."

"No! Not until you watch my gowerpoint."

"Gowerpoint?" Castiel ask, I turn to him.

"A gay PowerPoint, duh."

"You could of just say 'gay power point'."

"I felt like it needed an extra gecial name."

"What's gecial?" Michael asks this time.

"Gay specia—

"Never mind I get it, now get the fuck off me."

"No brohomo, not until you admit who you are truly."

"I can't admit something I am not hiding."

"Now, you see Michael what your doing right now is called denying, or should I say gaynying—


"It's actually pronounce Gay-briel. Really gotta pronounce the gay, like g(ay)osh."

After many ginutes (gay minutes) later, I finally convinced him to watch my gowerpoint.

"Yay for the gays!" I jumped up, turned off the lights so he could see the gowerpoint better, and turned on some music for pizazz (or should I say gayzazz). One of my favorite songs began playing most immediately.

I never meant to be so bad to you
One thing I said that I would never do
One look from you and I would fall from grace
And that would wipe this smile right from my face

Do you remember when we used to dance
And incidence arose from circumstance
One thing led to another, we were young
And we would scream together songs unsung

'Cause it was the heat of the moment
Telling me what your heart meant
The heat of the moment shone in your eyes

"Oh my gay, please pl(g)ay another song gay-briel." Begged Castiel, I poured by oblige.

"Finee." I grabbed the remote and changed it to one of my other favorite songs.

A Chance I Have to Make Happen (Sequel)(Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer)Where stories live. Discover now