Chapter 5

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After lunch Charlie was walking me to class and helping me carry some of my stuff. When we were walking we got wrapped up in a really serious gaylicious debate.

"Oh my Jesus riding a peanut butter bicycle Castiel." Charlie said. "Steve is like 20 x gayer than Tony and Bucky combined."

"Charlie, Steve is the definition of bi-sexual." I argued back. "If you got a dictionary and looked up bi-sexual a picture of his beautiful face would be there.." She mumbled a 'yeah I guess so'.

"Yeah, I see you point." She admitted. "But I still think he is gayer than Bucky and Tony." Here we come at a disagreement again.

"Tony I believe but with Bucky, I much so gayly, not straightly, unheterosexually, gayliciously -

"I know you believe in something really gay, like I do. Get to the point." I sigh, wishing that she would of have let me finished naming off all the adjectives of gay I knew. Which is a lot, if you live with Gabe you have a huge dictionary in your mind filled with words that mean gay. It's one of the only advantages of living with him.

"Basically my point is..." I continued. "Is that at Bucky is gayer than everyone else, even you." Charlie stopped dead in the hallway that second I said 'even you'.

"What the fuck did you say?" Charlie narrowed her eyes at me. Oh no, I just assaulted the Queen of Gays.

"Fine then." She says dropping all of my stuff, walking the other way. "I guess you can get someone gayer to carry your stuff, like Bucky." She called out loudly to me, which made some people around us very confused.

"Charlie, no. Please come back, I'm sorry. I will never question your gayness again." I basically begged, the people who were listening to us understood now, and continued with ignoring us. But that didn't change the fact that I needed Charlie to help me carry my stuff.

It was useless trying to talk to her though, since she was already out of the hallway and it's not like I'm going to chase after her. It's fine though, I know she's going to come back. She always does, a minute or two later. That's just Charlie.

But for now I have to stand awkwardly in the middle of the hallway, with all my books all over the ground. I try to pick up some of the books with my left hand, but it's useless, I end up dropping them.

No one in the school makes an attempt to help me, they don't even look at me, just walk around me and step over my books. On the poster by the front entrance of the school it says that school is a place of friendliness and helping each other out. Oh how that poster is so wrong.

When Charlie didn't come back 5 minutes later I concluded that she wasn't going to come back. Probably because A) She was actually angry at me or B) She got distracted and forgot my existence. Sadly I would hope for more A than B.

When most of the people in our school were out of the hallways and in there classrooms, I decided to just kick my books to class. I would have preferred not to since my class is on the other side of the school but I had no choice.

While I was kicking my Harry Potter book along with my other books, I started thinking about how much better my life would have been if a couple years back I got a letter to Hogwarts.

School would be so much more magical and a great use of my time. I could learn spells to help me fight dark wizards instead of learning about rocks that I will never need to know that will have no use in my life.

A Chance I Have to Make Happen (Sequel)(Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer)Where stories live. Discover now