29. Darned Tripping Mechanism

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I hadn't been here for ten minutes and I was already getting bored. I hesitated when I reached the door. Emma would be devastated if I didn't have fun.

I sighed, knowing that there was no way I would be able to lie to her if I left early.

I turned around and started to walk again. I let go of my dress and it was a big mistake.

Just as I reached the table to get more punch, I stepped on the hem of my dress and fell forwards. My arms failed to try to balance my body, but it was already too late.

I fell face flat on the ground, grabbing the table cloth and pouring the punch all over me in the process.

People nearby jumped away in shock when the liquid hit their legs. I groaned and pushed myself up. I felt my face heat up when I saw more than a few people laughing.

"Great," I muttered. I grabbed my dress and got up, trying to ignore the stares I was getting. My hair was wet and my skin was sticky from the punch.

"Eff you!" I yelled at my heels. I took them off and brought my arm up to throw them.

I felt someone grab my arm and whirled around in surprise. "We don't want to hurt your shoes' feelings now, would we?"

I glared at Roger's smug expression and pulled my arm from his grasp.

"It's none of your business, Roger," I snapped, a little harsher than I intended.

"Snappy," he remarked.

It was bad enough that I embarrassed myself in front of everyone. Now I had to put up with the embarrassment of letting Roger see me in this state.

"If you'll excuse me," I growled. "I need to go."

I turned around and began to make my way to the door. Just to make things worse, I ran into Sophie around the door. I accidentally bumped into her when she entered the building.

"Excuse you!" Sophie exclaimed. "You ruined my dress!"

I rolled my eyes. Nothing got on her freaking dress. She was just being a drama queen.

"Move it, Sophie. I don't have the patience to put up with you today."

Sophie batted her eyes and smiled sweetly. Her eyes told a completely different story.

"Good. Get out of here while you can, you sticky little rat. I didn't know you were so poor that you had to bathe in juice."

I felt my face heat up with anger, but Sophie took it as a victory. She smiled and decided to go a little further.

"Now run along, freak. I didn't come here to see a barefooted beggar at the dance."

I was seething with anger now. If someone didn't hold me back, I swore that Sophie would be absent at school.

"Her expensive shoes were a bit uncomfortable," I heard Roger say. I didn't turn around.

Sophie immediately changed her attitude. "Oh, Roger!"

Her voice was high-pitched and she ran over to him. I turned to see her putting her hand on Roger's chest.

"You wanna dance?"

Roger shook his head. He smiled, but it never reached his eyes.

"Sorry, but I'm here to dance with my date. Actually, I'm too busy helping her throw away those $500 shoes."

Sophie's mouth dropped and Roger pushed past her. He took off his suit jacket and put it around my shoulders. I was too shocked to protest. What the heck was he doing?

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