Meeting North

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'God damn it (y/n), i told you to tidy up the main room before we have all our guests for the party! ' your father yelled.

You had to clean up the upstairs before doing anything else. you quickly run aroung tidying up the main room as fast as you could.

After that you had to go out and get supplies for the giftbags that will be handed out, and decorations. You go upstairs and into your room.

You wear a slightly dirty light blue dress that ended at your knees. It was slightly ripped at the bottom, but it was the best piece of clothing you had.

And the dress luckily was the only thing that hid your whip scares, and bruises. Most of them new and very painfull

Your dress is the one in the picture, just pretend its dirty and slightly ripped k?

Everything else you had were basically clothes to a slave. All ripped and dirty. Some are even to small for you.

You grabbed the small black wallet and your thin sweater, put on old flats that were a little small for you and left for the store.

You walked out and felt the chilly breeze go by, it had snowed and there were big snow piles lining the edges of the street.

You walked off the porch and headed for the nearest shop, you lived in a small town but not to small.

The holes in your flats didn't help the cold of the snow go away. Shivering and trying to keep yourself warm, you put the hood up and kept you hands in the pockets.

You walked into the shop, and feeling the warmth surround you as you walked in. You found what you needed and paid for the supplies. There were 5 big bags you had to carry, 3 on one arm and 2 on the other.

They were heavy and you struggled to pick them up but managed to lift them and start to walk out of the store. You walked halfway up the street and one of the bags broke, spilling out the ribbons and some of the party bags.

There was an old man, he looked alot like santa, that helped you pick up the many ribbons and bags. 'Need some help? ' he said. He sounded like he had a russian accent.

He was wearing a red shirt with a big coat that had furr lining the edges, he had white hair and looked pretty nice.

'Um s-sure' you said while standing up. He put the stuff that he picked up in one of the bags i was holding, and took that bag along with 2 other ones. Holding them like he were holding a baby.

I carried the one and started to brush the snow off of my dress. 'Are you sure you can hold those? ' you asked while you zipped up your thin sweatshirt.

'Its easy as pie' he said with the accent really coming out. You walked to your house with him close behind you.

He was alot taller then you, maybe a foot or so taller? You walked up the stairs onto your porch and set your bag down.

'T-thanks for helping me, i can take them inside. ' you said while opening the door. 'Is this for party your going to have? 'He asked while handing me the bags.

'Uh yeah, my father is planning one and sent me out to get the supplies.' You said. He made a face like he was thinking and had his hand on his chin.

'Is it ok if i help out decorating? ' he asked. 'Ill have to ask my father, wait here. ' he nodded and i went inside to find my father. Why would he want to help out? Maybe father wont be so harsh if he had some help for the party decorations.

I found him preparing meals and snacks in the kitchen. 'D-dad? ' you asked not knowing if he was mad that you took so long. 'Yes? ' he said coldly.

'Would it be ok if we had some help putting up the decorations? ' you stepped back a couple of times, making sure you kept your distance.

He was chopping cellary and had a knife and that slightly scared you. 'Sure, why not, its less work for me'

You took off your coat and put it in the closet and let the old guy in. Wait, i don't even know this guys name. 'Not to be rude but, i don't know your name, may i ask what it is? '

He chuckled 'my names dave' ( i made that up because he cant say north, and dave is my grandfathers name and i see north as a grandfather type figure)

'But i don't know yours either. ' he said taking off his coat and putting it on the coat rack by the door. 'Oh sorry, my names (y/n)' you say taking the bags and putting them on the table in the center of the main room.

'Do you have an outfit for the party tonight? ' he asked while taking the stuff out of the bag, waiting for an answer.

Oh yeah! I haven't even thought about that yet! You make a look of shock and realization and look down at your tattered dress. 'This is all i have, plus i don't have the money to buy anything new. ' you make a sad face, and and hung your head for a little.

'Lets start decorating, k? ' you say.

Norths POV

I feel bad about how she lives, her dress is dirty and slightly ripped, her shoes look to small for her and there all worn out and have holes in them.

Yay a new story!! I've recently just watched Rise of the guardians for the first time and holy lord jesus it was good!! I love bunnymunds accent though, i think its amazing! Australian accents are one of my many weaknesses. 😍😍 my chapters are probably gonna be long like this one, ill right another chapter soon! 👍👍

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