37 - plans

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Of course, it was wrong to break it to him that bluntly, but let's be honest, he would've talked about his feelings until tomorrow if I wouldn't have stopped him.

And I was in desperate need of help.

"W-what?" he stuttered, face completely shocked and his skin was getting paler every second.

"Look, Harry. I know you're mad and you have every right to be, but this is not a joke or some sort of prank. I need your help." I desperately explained. "Elliot is my ex boyfriend. I was not in a relationship with him when I asked you to be my boyfriend." I told him, but I could read it from
his face, that this was too much for him.

"Millie.. I-I don't know what to.." tears were forming in his eyes. I quickly walked over to him and without thinking about it, I threw my arms around his neck and nestled my face into his chest. "Can I explain everything to you?" I asked quietly and I felt him nod against my head. "Mhmm." he mumbled.


We were currently sitting on his bed, after I explained the relationship between me and Elliot. How psycho he was and how he abused me for over a year.

I could not count how many times Harry apologised, how many times he cried during the story and how many times he stood up and punched something or threw things around.

"So, what you're saying is, he came back to get you back for himself? I'm so sorry.. I'm the worst human being." he scrunched his face together and massaged his scalps. "Harry, it's okay, you did not know and of course you were mad, of course you second guessed everything. I'm not mad at you, because I can totally understand where this is coming from." I sympathised with him.

"That's the fucking problem, Millie." Harry got up from bed and threw his hands up in frustration. "You're never mad at me. You're always so forgiving and always giving me chances when I don't deserve them at all. I made you live with that... fucking.. psychotic man. I can't even talk about it, I'm so fucking mad at myself. Why didn't I let you talk? Why didn't I try to understand your side? I was not even giving you a chance in the first place, I believed a fucking stranger for gods sake." He paced around his bedroom and balled his hands to fists.

"It's because I understand you. Harry, look at me." I got up as well and took a few steps towards him. "Baby, look at me." I softly spoke. When he turned his face towards me, I cupped his cheeks and let my thumb stroke his soft skin. "I need to solve this problem, but I need you. Elliot is not your average strong man, this dipshit is way stronger than you are." I explained, which made Harry scoff out loud. "Harry I'm not playing around, okay? This man almost ended my own life and I will not play the role of an innocent little girl who doesn't know how to help herself. I will not play the victim in this role, but I definitely need a plan how to escape this drama. And I need your help." I tried to make him understand how urgent this was.

We could play this game of discussing who's fault it was and how mad Harry was afterwards, but right now, there was a man one floor above me who was incredibly mad that I was not home yet, and I needed to find a solution.

"Okay, this is not the end of our conversation, young lady." Harry looked into my eyes and I could see how much strength it took him to not talk about it anymore. "Okay, daddy." I smirked and of course, Harry couldn't fight a smile as well.

"Just one more question. Did he.. did he hurt you since he was.. here?" Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "It doesn't matter." I avoided the question, in which Harry took my hands from his face, turned around and suddenly he balled his hand and punched his door, which left a big hole in it and made Harry's knuckled bleed. "HE DID, DIDN'T HE?" he yelled loudly and grabbed something from the floor, just to threw it across the room, against a wall. "Harry, calm down please." I closed my eyes and felt myself beginning to tremble. But Harry didn't acknowledged my plead, I couldn't see it, but I heard him throwing stuff around, punching things and yelling cuss words loudly.

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