Meeting X A X Monster

Start from the beginning

Two hours of running and they had only gained thirty kilometers. Several had already dropped out, their chests throbbing for air. Some found their failure amusing, though Ayano did not. The Hunter's Exam wasn't meant for wannabes or the faint of heart, yet she couldn't fault the dreamers for hoping.

No one knew how long they had to run. It was tense, difficult, and uncomfortable. Ayano concluded that this was, indeed, an endurance test.

Along the way, she somehow found herself running alongside Gon, the boy she'd met. Their footfalls synced. Gon side-glanced, his brown eyes shining. He seemed to be enjoying the run and Ayano found this strangely encouraging. Though they kept quiet to save their breath, a light-hearted atmosphere filled the silence between them.

That is, until a shrill sound broke it.

"Hey! Wait up, kid!" Leorio's voice cracked with rage. Heads turned and eye rolls were exchanged as people tried to ignore him. "You should show The Hunter Exam some respect!" He ranted.

Ayano looked up to see Leorio in front of them, but she turned away hastily. She didn't want to see what that embarrassing man was up to.

"Hm, what do you mean?" A boy's voice quipped. His tone was innocent, almost vacant-sounding.

"Why are you using a skateboard?!" Leorio continued. "That's CHEATING!"

"Why is it cheating?" The boy's tone lilted, all the more vacant sounding.

"Why you...this is an Endurance Test!" Leorio's voice deepened. Ayano felt that the owner of the skateboard was pushing it. But oddly enough, the boy didn't sound fazed.

Suddenly, Gon piped up. "No, it isn't!" He said this as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. The girl glanced at him, brows furrowed. She was certain that Gon was incorrect. After all, they were running for a duration of time.

Running plus time equals endurance, yes?

Leorio seemed just as baffled. He tripped over. "Huh?! Gon, what are you trying to say?!" The man had worked himself up to the point where spittle began to fly from his mouth.

Gon eyes blinked. "The Examiner only told us to follow him." He explained.

Leorio's eyes, however, bugged out of his head. A vein throbbed along his temple. "WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON, EH?!" He screeched.

What a child. Even Ayano's sister Mai, the spoiled brat of her family, wasn't as bad as this.

Wheels against gravel caught their attention. Ayano lifted her gaze came face-to-face with a pair of eyes. They were drops of ocean blue, sharp and cat-like. Their eye-shape was a cousin of her own, though they held the innocence of a child. This blue pair of eyes was framed by messy cotton hair.

Ayano uttered a curious noise, but the eyes barely regarded her. They turned to Gon.

The world collected its breath.

Two souls exhaled, quivering as they observed eachother.

Ayano glanced at the boy and Gon. What was this? Two puzzle pieces had snapped together before her. It was clear now; these two were destined to meet.

𝖱𝖧𝖸𝖳𝖧𝖬 𝖮𝖥 𝖥𝖠𝖳𝖤 (𝖧𝖴𝖭𝖳𝖤𝖱 𝖷 𝖧𝖴𝖭𝖳𝖤𝖱 𝖥𝖠𝖭𝖥𝖨𝖢𝖳𝖨𝖮𝖭)Where stories live. Discover now