in which she picks up another sign

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"Fuck!" What the hell? Three months pregnant and my pants don't fit already? What kind of life is this?

"Bad word." Prim crosses her arms and pouts up at me. "Momma, tat's a bad word."

I stare down at my growing abdomin in anguish. "I know, babe. I'm sorry, but my pants don't fit me anymore."


Following my daughter's advise I pull on a pair of black leggings, smiling when they cover my small stomach. Ginger is five months along and she's crabby, always hungry, and peeing on the hour. I'm so happy to watch her go through the beauty that is pregnancy. I shrug on a loose top that flows past my ass.

Grabbing my purse and my kid I make my way to my car. Prim buckles in and pulls her 3DS out. The drive to the shop is short, like always, and Ginger waits outside. Her coat is snug around her stomach. Just another perk.

"It's too cold to be waiting outside for your slow butt to get here." Is the first thing my sister has to say as she gets into my heated car. November is cool around here, add my bitchy sister to the mix and life around here is just another notch tougher.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "None of my jeans fit me. I had to change a crap ton of times."

She doesn't speak again until we reach the hospital. Prim undoes her seat belt and holds my hand as we cross the parking lot. We must look so silly: two pregnant woman and a bubbly baby.

Ginger gets called into an examination room first. Prim looks at the pictures in the magazine while we wait. Last month Ginger found out she was having a girl, next month I find out what I'm having, along with London. It's exciting.

My sister exits her exam with new scans in her hand and a silly smile. "You're next." Prim jumps up from her chair, tosses the magazine away, and scurries after me into the examination room.

My normal doctor, Luke, and I went to high school together. In fact, I lost my virginity to him. We never dated or even kissed before the night we agreed to lose our virginities to each other. Spur of the moment type of thing. He has a nice shade of blond hair going on this time, it matches his blue eyes.

Luke hugs me, greets my blushing daughter, and tells me to stand on the scale. He takes my weight and blood pressure before I can take a seat on the examination table. All the while, Primmy is gazing at Luke with her mouth wide open and a dream like stare.

"Your weight is a little on the heavier side for how developed the fetus is, but that could simply be because he or she is going to be a big baby." At least I'm not going crazy, I am bigger this time. "If you'd so kindly lie down I can start the part you've been waiting for."

The familiar cool gel is pooled on my stomach. The ultrasound machine wand swirls around as the screen flickers on. Luke hmphs, something he's never done. He was my doctor for Prim's pregnancy, not Basil's, but I've known him long enough to know that isn't an everyday hmph.

"I-Is something wrong?" Worry starts to set in. What if the baby shows signs of development disorders and comes out looking like ET? Luke swirls the wand around more and more, looking at different angles. He stops right below my belly button and hmphs again. "Luke--."

"Nothing is wrong," he chuckles, "you and the babies are perfectly healthy."

"Well if me and the babies--."

Wait, huh?


"Twins?" Ginger screams, for the hundredth time since we've entered my car to pick up Basil. "Twins? How did you get twins?"

"Like I've said: when I was inseminated the doctor told me my chances of fertilization were lower than my previous successful tries. So, he and I discussed my options deeper and he suggested fertilizing two eggs in place of just one. It gave me an extra chance. Both must have fertilized, instead of just one like I thought."

I turn into the street where the elementary school is, a line of cars going the same way. Prim hasn't stopped smiling since we left the hospital. It's adorable.

Basil walks down the steps of his school and runs straight into the car. His green eyes flicker between Prim and I, then between Ginger and I. "Why's everyone so happy? I know I was gone but I didn't think you missed me that much."

My son: the savage.

Ginger bursts into laughter and I make my way away from the school. I glance at him through the rearview mirror. "Turns out we have to go back to Children's Place. We need another sign."

"What happened to the one we got?" He questions, accusation imbedded in his voice.

"Nothing, it's at home in a box. We need another one. Maybe one that says 'Baby #4 Sleeps Here'."

"Baby four. . .?"

Primmy squeals, not being about to hold her excitement. "Twins, Baze-Baze! Momma has two bubbas in her tummy!"

My son pulls his sister into a tight hug, hoping it would hide what he's really doing from my sister and I.


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