25.) Breaking Dad's Rules

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Heat rose to my cheeks and I knew he saw that.

"When are your parents supposed to be home?"

"They said they might stay where they are, depending on how late it is when they get done."

"Ah. I see. So are you tired?"

I nodded.

He eagerly hopped to his feet and came over to me, grabbed my hands and pulled me up as well, "Then let's go to sleep."

I was so dead.


"Sophia, Sophia, Sophia!"

I cracked my eyes open to see Noëlle running around my room in total panic mode.

"Dad's on his way home. He's going to be so mad if he sees Alex here. Oh and some girl's at the door. She said her name is Sami."


"Alex, get up!" I grabbed his arm and moved it away from my waist before getting out of bed. "Did you let her inside?"

She shook her head, but then ran out of my room to do so.

I ripped the covers off Alex, hoping that would get him to move a little faster than his snail's pace right now, "Oh, shit!" I quickly looked away from him, "Where did your clothes go?"

There was Alex, now moving in front of me to stand in almost all of his glory.

"I took them off because I got too hot. I left my underwear on. God, you're acting like I'm butt ass naked," he started pulling on his pants.

"I'm going to check...on Sami," I left my room quickly and walked into the living room where Sami was trying to make conversation with Noëlle who just wasn't having it.

Sami looked relieved as soon as she saw me, "Did you just wake up?"

I nodded.

"Are your parents still sleeping too?"

"They're not here....so," I looked at Noëlle who wouldn't have a babysitter anymore if I left. "We're going to have a stowaway."

"Can we wait for mom and dad to get home? I have...books to read and ballet to practice. Where are you going?" Noëlle asked.

"Dress shopping."

She suddenly seemed interested, "I wanna go!"

I rolled my eyes, "Call dad and ask him if there's any money laying around the house."

I had money, but it wasn't quite enough for a dress.

Noëlle walked away as Alex came out, shirtless.

Sami's jaw dropped, "Did you....sleep here? Oh god. You two are going to kill me. Why was your shirt off...and both of your guys' hair is messy....like messier than it would be if you just slept?" She kept on going, but it just got worse and worse.

"We didn't bang," Alex clarified whilst putting his shirt on. "I should leave now, I guess. See you guys later," he snatched his keys off the end table by the door before walking out of the house.

"Dad's home!" Noëlle shouted.

Sami and I quickly moved to the front window and pushed the curtains away before peeking out.

My mom and dad were walking up the driveway as Alex walked down it. Dad and Alex gave each other evil looks but neither of them seemed to say anything.

The front door opened and Sami and myself quickly turned to face it.

Oh, I was in so much trouble.

"Sophia," dad said in his calm angry voice.

Yep, I was dead.

"I said he had to be gone by 11, didn't I?" He closed the front door after mom walked in.

Where was Sio?

"Dad," Noëlle shocked all of us by actually speaking up. She never got into these disputes, "It's ok, I was with them all night long. Alex even slept out here in the living room. I slept in Sophia's room with her just to make sure he didn't sneak in."

Noëlle never covered for me and dad knew that too, so I could see that he had no choice but to believe her.

"Well, listen to me next time," mom and dad both walked out of hearing range.

"What about the security cameras, Noëlle?" I whispered, "Dad's gonna look at them and know that we're both lying!"

"I deleted the last two days worth of tape. 'Cause just deleting last nights would have been suspicious. You're welcome. Now can I come with you? You owe me."

I nodded, "I guess so."


For all of you that started reading Noelle's Story, I unpublished it because I want to finish this one first.

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The Reject & Mr. Mafia's Daughter (MESMERIZED SERIES BOOK THREE)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz