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(Age 15)

"Detention for all of you!"

"But he started it!"


"I had nothing to do with this!"

"It was Michael's fault!"

All the boys were sent away with frowns on their face and detention for a week.

Bonding time!

After classes, they all gathered for their punishment, Ashton sitting as far away from everyone as he could, Calum and Michael kissing in the corner, and Luke hating himself as he glanced repetitively at the sulking curly-haired boy far away from him.

He messed up.

Luke's pen glided across the notebook in front of himself until he saw a doodle of Ashton and hearts and crumpled up the paper, chucking it into the trash.

He was messed up.

Ashton fiddled with his fingers in the back of the room, feeling ugly in the bright orange shirt that all four of them changed into. He hated orange and he wanted a shower badly. He couldn't stand to be around Luke--or anyone--like this. He wanted to be hot and pretty around his crush, not grimey and upset, so he sat as far away as possible, dreading the glances that Luke threw him every other minute. He must've looked really bad. Ashton sighed and rested his head in his crossed arms on top of the desk.

Calum was absolutely grateful for the weeks worth of detention. It meant more time with Michael, or more specifically, snogging.

Michael was only satisfied that he had Calum's lips all to himself, even if there was the awkward silence between Lashton. Detention was really not that bad if he got Calum for another hour, especially since he was only able to meet up with Calum once in a while. Michael was having a rough time in his stuffy closet. He hated pulling a straight-face around his parents when they talked about the unnaturalness of homosexuality. Of course, he was out to all his friends and the school, since almost everyone knew that he and Cal were in a relationship.

"I swear I'm going to puke if you guys keep stuffing each others tongues down your throats." Luke groaned, but Malum just ignored him, continuing their heated session.

"Ashton, come snog!" Michael snickered on top of Calum's lap, watching Luke furrow his eyebrows angrily.

Out of the blue, the blond stood up, pulled Ashton up, and sat him on his lap with tight, protective arms wrapping around the boy.

"No snog." Luke snarled and Ash squirmed with a firey blush. It was unusual for Luke to act on his jealousy or protective feelings, so it sort of turned him on.

Calum and Michael chuckled to themselves, knowing full well that Luke was jealous as fuck and that they'd have to get them together soon or everyone would die of Lashton feels.

"Well you guys got cozy quick." The teacher cleared her throat, reminding them she had been there the whole time.


(a/n: i kill you)

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