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If Adrien could have anything he wanted in the world, it would be to lead a normal life.

Go to the park with your family, go to the movies, play games. Go out on a date, have your first kiss.

No, Adrien couldn't have that. He was a misfit. A weirdo. A monster.

His touch was lethal. A single tap of his finger could kill someone.

Adrien didn't know why his life had to be so miserable. At least, it was until he found out about the true extent of his horrible curse.

He had it for as long as he could remember. The talks his father had with him about always wearing special gloves so he wouldn't hurt anyone.

Now, sitting in the middle of the dense woods in a dilapidated cabin, Adrien relived the day when he realized he could no longer hide his curse from the outside world.

Because on that day, he had accidentally killed someone. And on that day, he turned into a criminal.

Of course, you're probably wondering how he isn't in jail or a psychiatric ward. Well, that will all be explained right now.

2 years ago~

"I hope you're paying attention," a voice said.

"Adrien," they spoke louder.

"Listen to me!"

Adrien blinked, tearing his eyes off the wall he was blankly staring at. He focused his vision on his assistant who stood over him, a scowl branding her face.

"Your father wanted me to remind you that you're not allowed to leave the house."

Adrien sunk in his chair, staring at his gloved hands. "I only went outside to get the mail."

"Leave that to me, would you?" Nathalie mumbled. "I was busy at the time but I would've gotten it after I was done."

"I didn't say anything or touched anyone, just like you and father told me," Adrien said slowly. "I'm completely cut off from the world."

"Adrien," Nathalie sighed, sitting down in a chair beside him. "You know we have to remind you of these precautions because of your condition, alright?"

"You mean my curse?" he replied, glaring at Nathalie. He then tore his gaze from her and resumed looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry, it's just how things have to be," Nathalie said sternly. "We don't know what would happen if you touched someone with your bare hands."

"Yeah I get it," Adrien murmured. His eyes flicked up to a nearby plant. It was green and full of life. Although he knew what would happen, that didn't stop the blonde from removing his right glove and reaching across the table.

"Adrien, put your glove back-"

He touched the leaf of the plant and it immediately wilted. In mere seconds, the plant wilted all over. No longer was it green and flourishing, but instead dull and lifeless.

"Adrien!" Nathalie hissed, glaring at the boy. "Your father appreciated that plant."

Adrien retracted his hand slowly before slipping it back into the glove. He sighed, feeling a bit of guilt as he stared at the dead plant. Although, a part of him didn't really regret it that much. Especially when Nathalie remarked that Gabriel appreciated the plant. Not once had Gabriel said he appreciated him. Figures. The living thing that doesn't say or do much is the one he'd like more.

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