Chapter 16

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(A/N- Just wanted to let you know this may get a little graphic. I'm going to keep it mild but it is necessary for the plot)

Jace's POV

"This is bullshit." I said. "There is something missing. He wouldn't just kidnap him then leave him there for us to find. There was a reason."

"Until we can get what happened from Dave then we aren't going to know much." Carson said as Tyler wrapped his arms around me.

"Calm down. We will figure it out as soon as we can but getting mad now won't make it any better." Tyler said, pecking my lips.

I sighed and nodded, stuffing my face in his neck. His scent was driving my wolf crazy for some reason. Lifting my head I stare at him confused. "Why is my wolf going nuts?" I asked, looking down at Tyler.

He sighed scratching the back of his head. "I'm in heat." He blushed slightly. "Since the baby was born I started. Since she.." he cleared his throat, "since she died I have been on and off. Everything has been so crazy this is the closest we have been in a while so you just noticed." He said, biting his lip.

I sighed, thinking about our baby girl. Tyler blamed himself for it everyday for going into that fight knowing he could get hurt. We tried to talk to him but we knew he didn't believe anything we said. "We can't risk you getting pregnant right now. There's to much at risk as it is." I said, running a hand through my hair.

"I know that's why I think is the reason for our wolves being calm. If none of this had been going on our wolves would have already taken over and pounced." Carson said, leaning back in his chair.


I looked up and seen Michael standing by the door. "Ya, baby."

He sighed. "He wants to talk to you." He said, looking at Carson.

Carson sighed, standing up. "Alright you stay in here with them. I will be right back." Carson kissed the top of Tyler's head and kissed my cheek before walking out.

"How much has he told you?" I asked, looking at Michael.

"Most of it besides the descriptive parts." He said, sitting on my lap. He sighed, resting his head on my shoulder. "It's bad and it's going to be soon." He whispered before falling limp on me, snoring.

I looked at Tyler who was staring at Michael wide eyed.

Carson's POV

Slowly walking into Dave's room I see him laying flat on his back looking at the ceiling. When I shut the door behind me he turned towards me with a small smile on his face. Sitting down next to him I grab his hand and stroke the back of it. "How you feeling." I whispered.

He cleared his throat and shrugged. "Scared, worried, hurt. I'm not in much pain but my head does feel like it's going to explode." He said, turning to look out the window. "I know the doctor said to wait but I want to tell you now. If I don't then I may forget everything. I already feel like passing out." He said, sighing.

"Take your time, son. We can wait if your not up to it."

He shook his head then sighed. "No, I'm alright." He leaned his bed up.

"Just tell me about when you first got there."

"I was blindfolded until I hit a bed. They put cuffs around my wrist before I had the blindfold taken off. I tried to sniff out my surroundings but there wasn't anything there."

I nodded, opening the mindlink so Tyler and Jace could listen in.

"They put me in what use to be a nice room but the place was a mess. Wires were hanging everywhere and the only light was a lamp next to the bed on the floor. The only furniture in the room was the bed and a chair.

I was left in the room for about 10 minutes before I seen him." He teared up, looking away from me. "He sat down in the chair started asking me questions telling me I was his and that if I tried going anywhere I was going to regret it."

"What questions did he ask you?" I asked, taking hold of his hand.

"Asked me if a had the powers and if I would use them. I tried not to but they started making me so mad that I couldn't control it. Every time I refused to do something for them they beat me. When I didn't do it right they did it worse. At first it was just their fist. Then they started using wips and sometimes even chains. They started trying to scare me when a bunch of wolves came in and growling at me. Some even scratched me or bit me."

Wiping my face of tears I cleared my throat. "Your safe now, buddy. Nothing is going to happen to you again."

He nodded. "They started asking questions like how my parents were and what they were planning. I told them I didn't know that you never tell us anything that we don't need to know. They asked me what daddy was doing."

I leaned forward, interested. "What did you say."

I shrugged. "Told him I didn't know since I wasn't there. He chuckled and said 'okay then what does he usually do'. I shrugged again and said hang out with dad and papa. This got him madder then he was." He sobbed slightly. "The rest I can't remember well. I passed out after a while from the pain. They were hitting me so soon and hard my wolf couldn't keep up healing. When I woke up next my but hurt and I felt nauseous. They never asked me questions again just kept raping me and beating me with anything they could get their hands on but always stopped before I passed out. I woke up the next time after finally being able to pass out and was being dragged by the guy who questioned me. He said 'Don't worry, you will be seeing us again soon. After we kill off all your family I will make you my personal slave'. I remember hearing them talk when they thought I was passed out about sending you a message. I also heard a girl say that she wanted Tyler alive." He finished then rolled over on his side and closed his eyes.

Jace walked in soon after Dave passed out and pulled me into his arms. I cried silently in his neck, not wanting to believe my ten year old son went through that. I felt Tyler next to me his arms around mine and Jace's waist.

"The elder is waiting outside I'm going to tell him he's sleeping and will let him know when he's awake."

I nodded against him then pulled away from him and wrapped my arms around Tyler. "I'm sorry." I whispered to him.

He shook his head. "It's not your fault, baby. There was nothing anyone could do. We have him now and he's alive, that's all that matters."

I nodded, hugging him tighter not trusting myself to say anything back.

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