Chapter 13

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Tylers POV

Almost a week Dave has been gone. Carson and Jace have scouted the entire half of our side of the state only to come up empty. Dave has called every pack in the state, letting them know we may be crossing their lands. A couple of packs had said a few wolves came through only to leave right after but when Carson and Jace went to check the smell was different.

I have been trying not to think about what he must be going through. If he was even still alive. I havent slept much either. I wake up through the night after having a horrible nightmare then cant get back to sleep. I think i have made more food this week then i have my entire life and thats saying something.

"Do you think they would be in the next state over?" I asked, looking at Jace. It was Carsons turn to look since Jace got back last night.

He sighed. "Maybe. They could try to make as much groud as possible but I just hope we dont go out to far and waist our time out there when they could be right next door." He said, putting the map away.

"I want to help." Michael said, coming into the kitchen.

Jace shook his head. "I know your worried but we would be to worried about losing you while searching. Im sorry son but i cant."

"Im his mate dad, i cant help somehow."

I sighed, looking at Jace. "He does have a point. His wolf could help lead them to the right direction. I know your worried but this could help a lot."

He sighed. "You can ask him because im not. I already know hes going to be pissed about him even being out there."

I smiled. "If you want me to take them down there i will."

He smiled. "We will all go. Go get Sara and tell her to get ready that shes coming with."

Michael nodded before running up the stairs.

"You sure you want all of us coming?" I asked, straddling his waist.

He nodded. "Ya I think it will be good for everyone if we are all looking."

I sighed then rested my forehead on his shoulder. "I'm scared." I whispered in his shoulder.

"We all are." He smiled sadly at me. "We will find him though and whatever he went through while he was gone we will help him through."

I sighed and nodded. Pecking his lips I slowly slide off of him as Sara and Michael walked through the door. "Before we leave I want to put some rule down. Rule one you don't leave our side no matter what. Michael that goes for you. If your wolf finds something you make sure to tell us before you go running off. Rule number 2 no powers. I don't care what kind of trouble your in. Got it." I said staring them down.

They both nodded.

"Alright let's go and let me handle Carson." Jace said before shifting, shredding his clothes.

"You could have stripped first." I said, taking my shirt off.

'No time just shift and let's go." He said through the link before walking off.

I sighed then shifted. I ran up to him and nuzzled his neck. 'Calm down.'

He licked my face before running off with us three following.

We made it to the group about 30 minutes later. Carson was ahead of the group a little ways away alone. I gave Jace a look silently telling him to let me before I walked over. I walked behind him and nuzzled his neck like I did with Jace before.

'What are you guys doing here?' He said, nuzzling back.

Honestly I think Carson was taking it the worst out of all of us. Even Michael wasn't taking it this hard. 'Michael wanted to help so we all came.' I said, looking him in his eyes. I could never get over how beautiful his wolf looked. The white and black went amazing with his black eyes and the way his wolf carried himself spoke of power. I loved it.

'I'm sorry we haven't found anything.' He said, licking my muzzle.

'It's not your fault, baby. There isn't anything we can do about it.'

'I know I just feel like it's my fault. Someone should have seen or smelt someone around.'

'Alpha.' We all heard through the link.

'What?' Jace asked, walking over to us with Sara and Michael behind him.

'We got a smell about a quarter of a mile north. We aren't sure if it's them but it smells like rogues.'

'Tyler, take the kids home. Jason go with them to make sure they make it home.'

'No, dad, I'm going with you.' Michael refused.

Jace stared at him for a few seconds before sighing and nodding. He looked at me. 'Take her home. I will link you when we find him.'

I nodded then had Sara follow me along with Jason.

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