4- Another frustrating encounter

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I was woken by my phone buzzing on my bedside table. Rolling over to get it, all my muscles ached and my head pounded worse than any hang over I'd ever had before. Surely I hadn't had that much to drink? I was still dressed in my clothes from the night before. But I must have been with it enough to take my shoes off and hang my jacket up. 

My phone, feeling heavier than a brick, displayed multiple texts and informed me that it was 3pm the following afternoon. Shit. Scrolling down, the first text was from Liam checking that I had gotten home alright. How had I gotten home? It was all a blur. I remembered ordering drinks next to that asshole, chatting with Drew and Clara and leaving with Liam. 

I replied to Liam. The rest of the texts were from Clara and Drew- I must have given them my number last night- asking about going out again that night. I didn't think I was up for it so I opted out. 

Getting up and dressed took much longer than usual. While standing in the shower I noticed a scab on the back of my head. Wow, I really had been drunk. I was eventually as presentable as I was going to get, dressed in pyjama pants, a vastly oversized jumper and hair in two French plats. 

I needed food. So I slid on my bunny slippers and loped down the hallway to the cafeteria, book in hand. Plenty of food was still left out from lunch, so I piled a plate high and found a comfy couch in the common room. 

I sat and read for a while, vaguely noticing people slipping in and out of the room in loud groups. But I obviously hadn't been that aware of my surroundings, because when I finally pulled myself out of my novel and looked up, the blue eyes of the annoying guy from the night before were staring at me. He was slouched back in a chair opposite, about a metre away. He looked at me amused. 

(Jackson without a shirt ^)

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(Jackson without a shirt ^)

"Don't you have some big crowd of sheep to impress?" I shot at him. I was suddenly acutely aware of the fact that I was practically in my pyjamas and sitting entirely alone. 

"I'll have you know, they are very loyal sheep." he shot back, looking even more amused. What was it with this guy? 

"How long have you been watching me?"

 But he ignored my question, and shot out a hand for me to shake "Jackson. I never got a chance to introduce myself." I reluctantly shook his large paw. "And you are..." He prompted. 

"Not interested in your cosmos" I snapped, deliberately avoiding the question and instead making reference to the hoard of girls he seemed to be flirting with at the bar. 

"Well, I enjoy plenty of other cocktails. Just let me know if you ever want to try one..." He prompted me to share my name again. 

"Olive." I offered.

"Olive." He repeated. "See you round, Olive." And with that he was off, no doubt to try and woo some other girl. 

As he walked away I admired his physique from behind... Not bad at all... What was I saying?! He's an ass!

Gathering my stuff, I took a last look around the room. There was a group of girls laughing around the pool table, a lanky guy passing through and another guy sitting alone, reading in the far corner. The guy who had helped my with my bags the day before. The blonde hair was hard to forget. He must have come in after me. 

I pottered back to my room and once inside, it didn't take me long to notice a folded piece of white paper sitting neatly in the centre of my bed. Looking over to the sliding door out the back of my room, I could see it was unlocked. My body instantly went cold. Someone had been in my room.


A bit of a change in pace, I know. I hope you still enjoyed it! 

What do you think happened in the time forgotten? Who happened? Leave a comment! :) 

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