3- A glimpse

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I started to slowly wake up what must have been a few minutes later. My sight was only just there, I struggled to keep my eyes open and I had barely any sensory input. 

What I could register was a large warm body. I was held firmly against built muscles under... a hoodie? An arm under my shoulder and neck, another behind my knees... I was being held bridal style. Big hands. A large man. Soft, regular swaying... walking. At pace. 

Fighting my eyes' desire to lead me back to sleep, I looked up. Only a foggy glimpse, but enough to make out a head. A face completely shrouded in the shadow of a hood. Back lit... street lamps? 

I couldn't fight the sleep anymore. I succumbed and let myself sink back into the warm waters of sleep. 

Stuck in the ShadowsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin