9-10-15 (Thursday)

950 28 7

Dear Mikey,

Well that Alex kid is still talking to me. I know it hasn't been all that long but it's still odd to me. Why talk to me? The weird girl in all black? With scars everywhere? Granted he doesn't know that but still. I don't know, it's odd. Marnie talks to me so much more now too. I think it's because she wants to be in the conversation with Alex and I. Honestly though, I don't blame her. He's actually pretty adorable. He has these big blue eyes and swoopy brown hair. He's average build I guess. Probably about 5'10. He even has snake bites. I'm jealous, I really wanted spider bites. But yeah. Who knew my math class could be bearable? Definitely not me.
I'm actually thoroughly enjoying talking to him. Maybe I'm getting over my fear finally.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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