[Chapter 8] Really Upset And Maybe Even Crying

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-Natalie's POV-

I pulled my phone out and dialed Toby's number. I looked back and saw Rachael was looking at me from the front door.

"Go!" I said to them through the teeth as Toby picked up, "Hey..." My tone was brighter and more cheerful, "Do you think you could meet me at Smosh Headquarters as soon as you can?" I'm pretty sure Ian told me he couldn't hang out today because he was doing a GameBang or something, "No questions asked, please."

"Uh...sure," He replied, "But may I ask...?"

I hung up and dialed the next number - Ian's. I told him I'd be coming to visit him for a few minutes before doing something else and then I hopped in my car. I looked up from turning the ignition on and saw Rachael standing in the foyer of the apartment complex. When she saw me get ready to leave, she burst out of the apartment, starting to flail her arms in the air and shout things I couldn't decipher. I stepped on the gas and backed out on the road, speeding away.

-Rachael's POV-

I dropped my arms to my sides as Natalie drove away. I crossed my arms over my chest, the cold February air hitting my bare arms. I turned around to see Anthony come out with a sweater of mine in his hands, "Here, put this on. I don't want you getting sick."

I thwacked the sweater on the ground, "I don't want it."

He bent down and picked it up, "Please, Rach. Just put it on."

"No! I'm sick of you babying me just because I was in a coma, Anthony! I'm better now for heaven's sake!" I heaved a sigh, realizing how harsh that was. See, that was the problem with me. I never was able to accept anyone's help, compliments, or anything that would better myself, "Look, we need to talk about this. But later. We need to go and follow Natalie."


I bit my lip, trying to formulate the words to explain what I wanted to say. I put my hands on my hips before telling him, "She...I have a really bad feeling that she's going to do something really stupid." I didn't know what she was going to do exactly, but I just have a hunch someone is going to go home today really upset and maybe even crying.

"What? Why?"

"Because...look, just go get my keys. We're going to Smosh Headquarters." He put me in the sweater before running back inside. I pulled the two sides together and sighed, looking in the direction Natalie went and wondering what she was going to do.

-Ian's POV-

I was arranging the swivel desk chairs for the six of us in front of the flat-screen TV. We were going to play this new X-Box 360 game that all the fans have been raving about (besides Minecraft) for a while.

I didn't know where everyone was. Except Anthony. He asked me to call him when we were about to start, something about not wanting to leave Rachael on her own for a long time. Which I think is stupid but whatever... Everyone one else, though, was either A) not here yet or B) somewhere else in the Smosh Headquarters doing something else.

When I turned around, I jumped to see someone standing in the doorway. They stepped forward, "Hello, Ian."

"Hello, Toby," I grimaced, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Natalie called me and told me to meet her here. No questions asked," He replied.

"I don't see why she would do such a thing. I mean, this place isn't meant for dicks like you."

He charged for me and the two of us started having it out on each other. In the midst of the fight, I heard a gasp and then I was pulled away from Toby, whose cheek I happened to scratch while being tugged away from him. I looked up and saw Anthony glancing down at me, a look of disappointment on his face. I stood myself up and got a good view of what happened to the room; the chairs I had neatly set up were scattered about the room, the TV had no signal, and the wall where the Donkey Kong game thing was was in ruins.

Rachael was doing her best to hold Toby back, but she was losing the battle quickly. Until she slapped him across the face, "Stop it!" Rachael yelled at him and then looked back at me, "You too! Natalie wouldn't appreciate this!"

"Appreciate what?" She conveniently appeared in the doorway, her hands crossed over her front. She saw the tension that existed between the four of us and cleared her throat, "I see you both are here, and Rachael and Anthony..." Natalie didn't seem to happy about that.

"Hey guys!" Mari called from behind Natalie, and behind her were Lasercorn, Sohinki, and Jovenshire.

"Great!" Natalie exclaimed, only a small amount of sarcasm in her tone, "Everyone's here. This is perfect."

"Don't do anything stupid!" Her sister warned her.

"Oh, I'm not doing anything stupid, Rach," She unconvincingly reassured her sister, "I'm doing something I should have done a while ago." Natalie turned to me and sighed, "Ian, I love you. I always have and I always will," Then she pivoted on her heels so that she was facing my worst enemy, "And Toby, same goes for you. And I'm not going to choose between the two of you."

"Then what are you going to do?" Anthony asked the question that had been on all of our minds.

She took in a big breath, "I'm choosing to be alone for a little. Until I can be sure of my feelings and I'm not secretly calling someone behind the other's back."

"Hey..." I whined, realizing she was taking about Toby.

She shrugged her shoulders, "So, that's all." Silence filled the room as I watched her eyes tear up. She wiped away the fallen teardrop and rushed out of the room, the people in the hallway clearing a path for her as she walked out.

I frowned, still playing with the small ring box I had in my pocket. I looked over at Toby, who just had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Uh...don't mean to be rude or anything," Jovenshire blurted out, "But are we still on for the GameBang or what?"

I shook my head, dropping the box in my pocket and turning to him, "Yeah. Let's play. I just have to fix the connection first..." And I began to mess with the wiring, distracting myself from the crying I wanted to do.

The Smosh Games crew and Anthony started getting the room back to normal as Rachael and Toby left. I waved goodbye to them before they walked out of the room. Rachael waved back, but Toby ignored me. And I wasn't surprised.

As we started to play, the sadness slowly went away. But during a break, Anthony nudged me and asked, "I'm so sorry about what happened, dude. How are you feeling?" I answered with a glare, which in turn made him look away.

I crossed my arms, game controller still in hand, and leaned back in the chair. Now what am I supposed to do? Natalie hates me and Melanie's all the half way across the world. I ran my fingers through my bowl hair cut and closed my eyes - I had no idea what to do now.

-Kalel's POV-

I sat at the kitchen table, looking through an old scrapbook I had when me and Anthony were together. I smiled as tears fell from my eyes. The good memories came flooding back to me and I wanted so badly to go back in time and relive the moments without Rachael here.

Then I flipped the page and saw a picture. One in particular that made me take a second to look back at it. It was of Anthony, me, and Rachael... It was when she first moved here. And I didn't hate her. And she didn't hate me.

I closed the book and looked over at the phone. I needed to apologize. To her. To Anthony. To Joey. To everyone.

I got up and picked up the phone when I felt my jeans get wet all of a sudden. I thought something wrong was happening with the baby, so I called 911 and within minutes the ambulance was at my house.

I was put on the stretcher and put in the back of ambulance, where the doctor told me, after giving me a very quick examination, "Mrs. Padilla? It appears that you're going into labor."

-BOOK 3/4 IN SERIES- Down To The Wire (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now