[Chapter 7] Even Harder Decision

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-Rachael's POV-

Anthony was watching something on the TV while I was painting my nails a different color than they were before. He was constantly looking over at me, but saying nothing. And I didn't say anything in return. Ever since we returned, things were different between us. Like, he doesn't make his usual jokes. He doesn't smile as much. And he's always mumbling things to himself. Oh, and he doesn't let me do anything "too strenuous" (as he likes to call it) by myself. I'm really worried about him.

Just before Anthony was about to change the channel, the doorbell rang. I started putting my things to the side to get up, but Anthony got to the door before me. I just sat back down and watched as Ian walked past Anthony and into the living room.

"Hey, Ian," I greeted while crossing my legs so I was sitting criss-cross.

"Hey, is Natalie here?" He inquired.

"No...she left to go to the salon about thirty minutes ago. Do you want me to call her and tell her you're here?"

"Actually, no..." He sat down beside me, "I want to talk to you about something."

"Sure," I replied, "What's up?" I watched as Anthony walked into my bedroom, closing the door behind him. I returned my attention to Ian.

He looked down at his lap and pulled out a small box from his sweatshirt pocket, one that I remember seeing. It was the box Andrew gave to me when he proposed, "Umm...Ian? I don't want to marry you, you're my sister's boyfriend," I told him.

"No, no," He laughed, "It's for Natalie. I just...I want her to be my wife so this whole thing between Toby, her, and me can stop." I just blankly stared at him, not knowing what to say, "What do you think?" He asked.

"Honestly? I don't think it's going to stop, Ian," I retorted, "It's just going to make Toby more upset and Natalie's going to have to make an even harder decision."

"Why is it hard?" He snapped back, standing up and looking down at me, "It should be me who she picks. Not that Toby douche!"

"He's not a..."

"I can't wait any longer, Rach," He cut me off, "The same thing happened with me and Melanie, I waited too long and what happened? I found someone new and left her. What if the same thing happens to me and Natalie? Huh?"

I slowly got to my feet and crossed my arms over my chest, "Ian, that won't happen. Natalie loves you. But...I really shouldn't be saying this to you...but she's having a really hard time choosing you over Toby." A look of pain crossed his face and he turned away, "Wait!" I screamed, running to the door before he could leave, "I'm not saying she's choosing Toby, but you can't just ask her to marry you and expect her to say yes and that will make this whole thing over with!"

Before leaving, he handed me a disk, "I came here because I need you guys to edit this for me, so I can show it to Natalie by tomorrow."

I took the disk into my possession as he walked out, slamming the door behind him.

I ran my fingers through my hair and spun around on my heels, seeing Anthony standing in the bedroom hallway with a smirk on his face. I heaved a sigh and walked over to him, handing him the disk. He took it and the corner of his lips curled up very little, "I think it's sweet of him to ask Natalie to marry him."

"I don't," I replied, crossing my arms over my chest, "It's just going to cause trouble."

He forced a laugh before giving me a kiss on the forehead and walking into the office. I followed him and leaned over his shoulder as he opened the editing program.

-Natalie's POV-

I was checking out at the manicurist, admiring my new acrylic nails. They were little hearts on a white background for Valentine's Day that was coming up next week. I think we were having a party at Sawyer's or something, I'm not sure.

I drove home and saw that Rachael and Anthony were nowhere to be found. The TV was on and Rachael's nail polish remover and nail polish bottles were still open, giving off a strong smell that I hated when I was younger. Hell, I even hate it now. I turned off the TV and closed all of her things.

"Hey guys?" I called, "Are you here?"

"Shit, turn it off!" I heard Rachael's muffled voice come from the office. I rushed in there and found them both looking at me, worried looks on their faces. Anthony reached behind him and slowly turned off the computer screen, "What were you guys looking at?" I questioned.

"Nothing," Rachael answered, trying to hide the grin that wanted to crawl to her ears.

"Seriously, what is it?" I inquired, more aggressive this time.

"Nothing," Anthony agreed with Rachael, looking up at her and then at me.

I pushed them aside and saw that they were editing a video. One where Ian sat in front of the wall with that huge portrait, a keyboard set up in front of him. He acted like he could play it while he humorously lip-synced to Jason Derulo's "Marry Me." At the very end, he pushed the piano to the side and walked up to the camera, a serious look on his face now.

"Natalie, I want you to marry me," He opened a small black box revealing a very nice ring, "And I hope that I'm sitting right next to you when you see this. And I hope that you say yes."

I cupped my hands over my mouth as tears started to form in my eyes.

"Nat, you..." Rachael tried to tell me before I turned around and burst into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me and falling to the floor. I got up and started pacing back and forth, my head was spinning and my heart was racing.

I heard the two of them approach my door. They knocked gently at first and I heard Rachael call, "Nat? Please talk to me."

I swung open the door and both of them jumped. "What do you want...?" I groaned.

Rachael looked over at Anthony for assistance, but he just looked away. She shook her head and turned to me, "Just...forget you saw that. Please."

"How can I?" I shouted at her, "He wants me to marry him! Do you know how much harder the decision to be with him or Toby is now?"

She frowned, "I said the exact same thing to him."

"Wait...so he talked to you about this?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and avoided eye contact with me. I heaved a sigh and pushed past the two of them.

"This needs to end now." I said before rushing back out of the apartment.

-BOOK 3/4 IN SERIES- Down To The Wire (YouTube FanFic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن