Chapter 1

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'Thud', 'Thud'. I heard my feet bash against the ground with each quick jogging step I took. I quickened my pace feeling my chest tighten but pushing myself to the limit.
I ran to the beat of the music and sped up as it changed into a quicker jogging tune, almost club like. I felt a ball of sweat roll down my face, bringing me back to the real world. Missing my feet, I tripped on air (I know, it takes skills!) and fell flat on my face. A soundless laugh fell out of me and I jumped back up again ready for more action.
However, I stopped short when I was met face to face with a pair of beady eyes meeting my journey half way. The warm, brown globes stared back at me, offering a hand and pulling me back to my full height of 5'8.
"Thanks for that, but I was fine by myself" I quickly told the stranger in no mood to start up a conversation, especially with someone I don't know.
"It's quite alright," the male said, ignoring the second part to my prior statement. "I just saw a beautiful woman fall over and wanted to offer my assistance." I ran my eyes down him after he spoke. His warm eyes seemed to glow and gradually turn darker, his tall, wide body easily overtook my impressive5'8, making me feel like a dwarf. I'd say he was about 6'7, you don't see that everyday!
His stance was slightly closed off telling me that though his eyes made me belief he has true intentions he still didn't trust me enough and was obviously trained well.
I took my eyes off of him and to my phone finding a lovely crack in the screen and huffed loudly, that wasn't cheap! Oh well, I can't afford to replace it would have to stay. Glancing down at my Fitbit I realised I was going to be late and wished farewell to the man, setting a large space imbetween us easily and watching his surprise grow that a 'human' could do so so quickly. I knew he was a werewolf, sensed it straight away and quickly had made sure my scent was covered.

I fished out a boby pin from my hair and unlocked the door, something I had learn in my adolescents and kept the trick with me even now. I carefully eyed my surroundings, watching for any sudden movements to indicate the presence of someone or something else. As if reading my mind, from the corner of my eye I saw a dark shadow emerging...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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