Face Your Fears

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I was with my parents. We were reunited again. To celebrate, we went on a picnic. We were there, eating at a park, when suddenly the skies became dark. We began to pick up our picnic in fear of rain. I looked to my dad to ask were to put the blanket, and Damien was there. He held him by the throat.

"Tell me what you are Skyler, or I kill him." he threatened.

"Please, Damien, I swear I don't know! I can, I can turn invisible, and..." I am cut off by my fathers screaming. Damien was drinking his blood, and killing him.

"Stop! Damien! I don't know, please!" tears are streaming down my face. Damien drops the lifeless body of my dad and looks at my mother. I jump in front of her.

"I'll tell you everything I know, just, please, don't hurt her!" I scream.

He rushes up to us and grabs her from behind me. He starts to lean into her neck. A devilish grin grows across his face. I scream bloody murder for him to stop. Then, as a last resort, I shove my wrist in between his mouth and her neck. I would gladly die for my mother.

I close my eyes and wait for the bite. Instead, my shoulder is gently shaken. I open my eyes to find myself on the cot in the nurses office. I look up and see Detective Donald. I can't deny I was a little excited to see him again. There was a total of five people I was glad to meet in this hellhole of a school, Donald being one of them. But, I was also slightly annoyed. I remembered his promise to keep me safe was broken, I could have died and he was nowhere to be found.

Donald smiles and says "Morning miss sleepy!" He outstretched a hand to me for assistance.

"Well, look who decided to show up..." I reply, getting up off the cot on my own. "Great protection, almost as good as Detective Marshal." I spat. I know that right now he's in questioning. Even though they know I can make flames, the taser to the neck was uncalled for.

A crease forms on Donalds forehead. He looks genuinely hurt. Good. Its not like I was hurt or anything. I can feel my cheeks throb where they were punched. "Look," he starts. "I know you're mad, but I have an explanation."

"Do tell."

Donald sighs. "Look, after monitoring you all day, and you heading to the bathroom, we gave you some privacy. Then, we had another fight. Soon after, the power cut off. That made the whole monitoring center break into chaos. We lost track of everyone."

"Killer timing for a power surge..." I say. I think back to the cafeteria. There were windows along the entire wall, beaming with sunlight. That also tells me the sunlight thing about vampires is untrue. I suppose the only thing that would happen is that they would get a nasty sunburn. But with all that sunshine, I would have never noticed if the power cut. "Who was in the other fight?" I ask. I guess I'm a little curious, or I just don't want to talk about my attack.

"Oh, just two stupid kids, they are believed to be friends of Damien." Donald says. Of course. His friends probably distracted them and cut the power. They might have planned this whole thing out. Kill the new girl before she's a threat. Ugh, Damien. The mere thought of him makes me want to throw up. But then, my thoughts stray beck to Randi. He called out to Damien as if he were a friend. Did he attack a friend to save a girl he barely knew? I start to worry.

"Where's Randi?" I ask, concerned.

Donald looks at me and wears an expressionless face. Well, it could have emotion, but I'm not sure which one. "He's fine. We questioned him and sent him back to his dorm. We know how dangerous Damien can be, so we have his room on watch." he replies, his voice matching the blankness of his face.

"Watch? What do you mean? Don't you have Damien in custody?" I ask, even more worried.

"He seems to have left the school immediately after the attack." Donald sounds more business-like now. "He is off the school grounds, but is still here. Our base here is surrounded by large concrete walls, but in the middle of the desert. Though it is secluded, this is one of our largest bases. Roughly the size of a city. He isn't gone, but is hidden. Your room will be on watch as well."

The hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end. He's still out there? Oh no, I've unwillingly made his the most wanted man in the base. He is certainly going to kill me now, after he tortures me for answers I don't have. The FBI were tricked by a few teenaged boys, they defiantly can't protect me from a pissed vampire.

I start freaking out. I rush by Donald and run out the door. He looks shocked as I close it behind me. After locking it I can hear him banging on the door to be let out. His demands are ruffled, and quiet down as I rush down the hallway into the nurses office. The nurse spots me. She looks and smiles at my bruised face with pity. "How are you, hun?" she asks. I realize if I go running out of here like a maniac, I'll be taken down before I can even reach a door. I quickly compose myself and offer up a smile. "A lot better, I think all I needed was that nap." That's a complete lie. My head is throbbing in tune to my heart and I can hear it in my ears. I'm sore all over but my face brings the most pain. She smiles back and I walk out the door.

Once in the hallway and making sure its clear, I bolt down to the elevator. I get and and select my floor, then relax. I'm out of sight of the school, and away from nearly all the people capable of killing me. My thoughts return to Chastity. I wonder how her day went. She said she was sort of new, but not as much as me. I hope she never ran into Damien. I feel like she wouldn't have posed a threat. She was just a fairy. According to what Damien said, Fae seem the least dangerous. All he said is that they were peppy. He said vampires and wolves were incredibly strong, enough to push him off. Then said if I was a witch, I would have cast a spell. So far, witches seem the most unpredictable, at least during the day. The elevator beeps, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I step out through the doors and make my way down to my dorm. I then freeze. But not of shock. I literally can't move my feet from the floor. I panic, and pull my legs with all my strength. I'm just stuck. I frantically look around, looking for something to grab onto and pull with. Instead, I find the familiar face, with a slight twinkle in her eyes.

"Abby?" I ask. That's a shock. She stands there and has her hands pointed at me, like she's holding me in place through the air. But then I notice the person behind her. He holds he throat in a threatening way. She looks terrified.

"Damien, let her go. This doesn't involve her." I say as calmly as I can. He grins, knowing he's got me on his trap.

"Skyler, I'm so sorry, I was just coming to see if you were okay, don't agree to anything he sa..." she is cut off.

"Aw, afraid I'm gonna hurt your little friend?" he said. I try to move toward them, but Abby's hands are still raised, and she is still threatened by his grip on her neck. "Looks like you're a little stuck. Can't come and fight me?" he says.

A strick of heat warms inside of me. I know I can get mad enough. "I said let, her, go." I spat.

"Ooh, little miss human has gotten courage." he mocks. Abby's eyes widen. "H-human?" she asked, sounding more concerned than shocked. He pulls her closer to him. "Yes, a little human, with a stupid little gift. What are you going to do Skyler? Hide from me. I'm so scared." he smirks. C'mon Damien, just one more remark and you'll be sorry.

"I am going to ask one more time. Let. Her. Go." I warn. He smiles and tilts her head to the side, exposing her neck. She screams. Just as he's about to sink in his teeth, he turns orange, and red, and yellow.

Damien starts to scream, and Abby drops to the floor, loosing her stance, and I can move again. I turn and face Damien fully, only its not Damien. Its a burning pile of flesh, screaming and dying. I keep a steady glare on him, focusing my anger. I only stop when I feel a shake on my shoulder and hear Abby screaming. I stop, and see Damien. He is a crumpled heap. He is moaning in pain, his skin is red almost everywhere. What the hell am I doing? What is wrong with me? There's

a reason I've been taken from my parents, I am a dangerous threat.

I am a monster. A monster, just the same as Damien. I will never see my friends or family ever again. I shouldn't even be alive. I am a discussing and twisted human being. If Damien dies, then I am a killer.

Tears weld up in my eyes as I stare at Damien. They flow down my face. I look to Abby, and let out a sob. I fall to the ground and feel Abby holding me, stopping me from falling as if I were in a backwards trust fall. I close my eyes and black out, overwhelmed by using my powers too much and the realization that my parents will no longer have a daughter.

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