Meet the Monsters

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So, here I sit, startled from my nightmare. I get up and search through the drawers. There are just a few plain outfits. I settle on a white tank top, a light pink v-neck shirt, and some denim shorts. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. I've always loved the simplicity of my face. I didn't stand out, and I just liked to be part of the background. I have a heart shaped face, dark brown eyes, average lips, and long black hair with bangs. Hopefully I won't stand out at this school. I'll just focus on grades, and reuniting with my family. Okay Skyler, no more outbursts.

I put on a little bit of mascara and lip gloss that was behind the mirror. Ready, I thought to myself. As I walk back into the main bedroom, I see the door open and a girl enter. She looks like she's about my age. She looks at me and smiles. There is, about her. She has honey colored eyes, caramel colored hair that reaches her stomach, and freckles. But, something different. As I look more closely, I can tell she has this, light almost, that spreads around her. More like a glow.

"Hey there. You're Skyler, right? I'm Chastity. I'm here to show you around. Are you ready to go?" She has this welcoming feeling. I feel safe around her.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I reply, following her into the hall. As we get into the elevator, she starts up a conversation.

"We are going to be classmates. I'm kinda new too. Really nervous for school. I've been here for about a week. I was wondering if we could maybe be friends?" she asks.

To be honest, I really would enjoy a few friends, just to have fun with every once in a while. And it would be nice to talk to someone who understands. "That'd be great." I reply with a smile. She smiles back.

"Where are we going right now?" I ask.

"Well, were going to the meeting room, so you'll get to see the kind of people here. There are five types. Fairies, vampires, werewolves, witches, and zombies. Most of them aren't dangerous until nighttime." Most? I thought to myself. She keeps going, "Full moons are the worst, never leave your dorm on a full moon. None of them have control over themselves that night. Fairies, usually just called Fae, are the jokesters. Playing tricks on people. Vampires aren't to be trusted with alone. Most of them have an extremely low blood supply and wouldn't mind having a treat. Werewolves are always up for a fight. Proving to each other who is more brave. Witches are more stealthy, but just as dangerous. They can cast spells, making people they dislike an easy target for others. And finally zombies. They are pretty nice during the day, despite the smell. Most of them wear perfume. But at night, you are to avoid any and all contact. Even with vampires at this school, zombies have the most blood on their hands."


"We are here!" she says, dragging me out behind her. We walk through a few hallways with marble floor, and finally come up to two large double doors. We walk through them and both have a seat at the large conference table. The doors open and Donald walks through with four other agents. Two males and two females.

"Morning Skyler, I suppose Chastity has told you about the types of supernatural beings?" I nod. Chastity smiles. "Good." he responds. "Four of these agents are said beings, so is your classmate. Since your powers are peculiar, we will be seeing if you can tell which one is which by talking to them. Helpful hint; all Werewolves are male, all Fae are female, but the rest are co-ed. Ready?" he asks "Okay." I reply, standing up.

A male walks up to me. I look him over. He looks pretty normal until I see his eyes. They are astonishing. They're so brilliantly bright, they seem to shine. "You're a werewolf." I say without thinking.

There is a collective gasp among everyone. The man stops and stares at me. He looks back at Donald. "Uh, that's correct..." Donald says. The man looks at me one last time, amazed, and turns to leave the room.

"Let's try that again, but agents, don't talk to her. I want to see if she can tell just by appearance. The other man walks forward. He has nothing special in his eyes. No glow to him. But, his skin is odd. I notice a hint of purple in his entire color, almost as if he was slightly bruised everywhere. A damaged body. "Zombie." I say. He smiles, nods, and walks out.

A female steps up. She has normal skin. But her eyes are different. But, they don't shine. They, twinkle. Almost as if there's a small light inside them. "Witch" I state. She gives me a wicked smile. Geez. If she had done that I would have known even faster. I look to the last agent.

She has bright eyes, and just as I was about to say werewolf again, I notice her skin is pale as well. Not like a zombie though. Her skin is pale due to lack of blood. "Vampire, and Chastity is a Fae." I say, giving Chastity a smile. This is the only agent that talks to me. "Impressive" she says. "I guess we will meet again soon." and with that, she walks out.

I turn to Chastity. "You used some type of comforting conjure when we met, didn't you?" I ask, giggling. She blushes. "You didn't need it, you are really nice."

"Thanks Skyler, I'm so glad that I already have a friend here. I'm thankful that it's you." she says. I smile back.

"Outstanding!" cheers Donald. I forgot he was even there. "How on earth did you know?"

"You don't see it? Everyone of them are slightly different. For example, Fae have a slight glow around them. Just look at Chastity!" I say. We all look at her. She even looks at herself. She has a white glow around her entire body.

"I don't see it." says Donald. "Me neither." Chastity states. Are they blind?!?

"I guess we need to get back on that, but now its time for school!" says Donald.

Me and Chastity depart. We go up a few floors in the elevator and reach the floor labeled 'S1; School Lobby'.

"Here we go..." I say as the elevator doors open.

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