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As I run through the corridors of the halls in school I sneak a peek over my shoulder.


The being was right behind me. It's a supernatural, so of course its picking up speed. Where is everyone? I ask in my head, as my legs develop the feeling of exhaustion.

"HELP!" I scream. There's no one here, and even if there was, there's only a slight chance they could deal with whatever supernatural this is. My thoughts fade into a blur as I realize, there's no pair of footsteps echoing in the hall except for mine.

I turn a corner and slowly lean my head out to the previous hall.

It's... empty.

A sigh of relief escapes my mouth, but I quickly regret it. It's not an uncommon technique for a supernatural to hide and wait for the hunted to come out, comforted with the false feeling of safety.

I realize I never checked the hallway I turned into. At the time, I was too surrounded in fear to even glance. I turn my head and recognize the hallway, it leads to the band room. Yes! I cheered to myself. I know for a fact that the office in there has a dead bolt.

I look around, looks clear enough. Now's my chance. I take off, racing to the office. Made it through the double doors. The band room is dark. It must be nighttime. I don't even remember how I got here. Skyler, this is NO time to organize your thoughts, I scream in my head. Through the office doors, I turn around and lock the door.

As I back away I watch the door in fear. I crawl into a corner on the far side of the room, hiding myself from the small window built into the door.

"Come out, come out." a husky voice shouts.

I hold a hand over my mouth to hide my rapid breath. Tears start to weld up in my eyes. Nonononononono. I can't quite tell which supernatural it is, but it certainly isn't friendly, (or at least not in control).

"No use hiding" the same voice calls, "You're only delaying the inevitable".

I look out the window on the opposite side of the wall. Dawn, I thought. If I could just hold out for 10 more minutes...

"Oh, you wouldn't be hiding in the office, would you?" the voice said, much closer than before.

My body is shaking uncontrollably, but I'm well out of his sight. I hold my breath and sit in dead silence, hoping he will leave me alone. I know he's just waiting for me to do something. Either sigh or get up. But I'm smarter than that. I'm not moving until I see the sun rise myself.

BANG. Oh no, no please no. He's hitting the door. BANG. Stop please, no, no, no. BANG. I hear a crack. It's not going to hold. I look for a weapon. No such luck. I do see an open cabinet. BANG. Its my best shot. I climb in and bury myself behind a box and under a few coats. BANG. CRACK.

My heart stops. He didn't break the dead bolt. He broke down the door.

"Come on now, make it easy, for the both of us." the voice calls.

Tears are now streaming down my face. Stop crying Skyler, don't be afraid. I command myself. But, to no avail. They just keep flowing. I can hear him searching. He bumps into the cabinet I'm in, and I wince in fear. He stops, no, he didn't hear me. It was just a tiny whimper.

"Aw, is there a little mouse in hear?" he chuckles.

The door is opened. No, I'm still hidden. He can't see me. He can't see me. He can't see...

I'm suddenly yanked from the cabinet by my hair. "Nooooo! Stop!" I cry. "Aw, did I startle the mouse?" he asks, holding me up so we are face to face.

I can't recognize him. My tears are blocking everything from sight. I only see a shadow.

"Bout time from breakfast, hm?" he mocks.

"N-no, p-p-please." I respond. Damn, I can't help but stutter. "D-don't hurt m-me."

"Aw, don't worry. This won't hurt a bit."

The last thing I hear before I meet complete darkness.

I Don't Belong HereOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant