Silence Struck

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*WARNING violent language* only a little
Carter brought me home with Zac, Ethan, Hunter, and Logan, we all came to Carter's room and shut the door so mom and dad won't hear us talking. For about 30 seconds the room was silent, no one knew what to say and neither did I after what happened.

"Are you going to tell me about this package or not?"
"I'll tell you but please don't freak out and stop talking to me"
"alright, I promise"
I wouldn't even be able to stop talking to him, he's my brother and I'm really close with him.
"before we moved here, around a year
ago I met a couple of guys that I liked who were older than me and said they will get me easy cash, I first got them to trust me and we became good friends, then I joined their group where I met these guys. At first, we all thought it was going to be fun but as we stayed longer they made us do things we didn't want to do like steal or anything bad like that. This package is about drugs, we need to meet a man and get it from him but we don't want to do this anymore and we can't get out of this situation. I'm sorry for not telling you but I couldn't if they found out they would've hurt you."

I didn't expect Carter to be a person like this, I knew he wasn't an angel but this is a different guy, it's like I don't even know him.

"Just leave the group, they won't hurt you guys,"
"But they will hurt you,"
I quickly turned my neck to Logan, he hasn't been talking for a very long time.

"I know how to defend myself, it's not like I'm 10 years,"

"You can still get hurt and I'm not risking that,"

I walked straight up to Logan and reached for his neck to give him a hug.
I whispered in his ear, "nothing will happen if I have you with me, I'll stay out of trouble, I promise,"

"fine, we will make a deal, if we leave you are not going out alone, always one of us will be with you, you will not go out late at night, and you call me straight away if anything happens to you," Carter told me this but I knew he still wasn't sure about what he was going to do.

"Alright, you better leave the group."


Carter did as he promised and left, he didn't tell me what exactly happened only that the boys and him left. It's been a week and so far nothing bad has happened. What I find weird is that the men let them leave so easily, nothing has happened to anyone.

Things have been off between Logan and me, we haven't talked in awhile, the only person I've been talking to now from the boys is Hunter and that's because we have a class together where we sit together.

Luckily I have my next class with Hunter so I can ask him what's been up with the boys. The bell rang and I went to my next class, the teacher wasn't here yet and I saw my opportunity to talk to Hunter.

"Hey Hunter how has it been?"

"It's been good,"

That's odd, he would've continued the conversation at least.

"d-do you know why Logan hasn't talked to me?"


I can tell he doesn't want to talk if thats how it's going to be fine.

I left my seat and sat at the very back corner away from Hunter, and put my head down.

I barely paid attention to the teacher, and just closed my eyes. When the lunch bell rang I quickly rushed out of the room. 

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