I have to get that scholarship. That's it.

I glanced at the watch.

1:25 p.m

Raymond and I decided to meet at the library at 1:30. It doesn't matter that Raymond and I are in a relationship now, I still teach him almost everyday. I help him with his assignments, his homework and also prepare him for his tests.

Football scholarship is very important for Raymond and to get that it is necessary for him to get good grades in academics also.

Meanwhile, I took out a novel and started reading it. Someone tapped on my shoulder, I glanced upwards to see who it is.


She hardly talks to me. Why is she here?

"Yes?" I asked, my eyebrows scrunched up.

"Ummm...Mrs. McLaurly sent this. It needs your signature right here." She said pointing towards the space on the sheet.

"Umm...is it regarding the scholarship?" I asked.

"Yes. It is." She replied.

Without giving it much of a thought, I signed the document and gave her a half smile. While she didn't even reply to my gesture. In one swift turn she started walking out of the Library while her heels made clicking sound causing everyone to glance towards her.


1:45 p.m

Still no sign of Ray. Getting frustrated I stood up and went to the Science books section. I started finding help books so that I can give Ray extra questions to practice from and for his revision sessions. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my waist.

I didn't have to think once for who it was because as soon as his body made contact with mine, my body started to relax under his touch. He feels like home.

A smile made it's way on my lips while Raymond's hold on my waist tightens and he placed his chin on my shoulder after giving me a peck on my cheeks.

"I'm sorry I got stuck up with some work princess." He apologized with a whisper on my ear which sent shivers down my spine.

" I-It's okay." These words left my mouth as a stutter.

Well don't expect me to behave normal. Especially after considering the position we are in.

"Let's study, shall we?" He said and we walked towards the table I already had my bag on, we sat down and soon I started teaching him.

We planned to cover all the difficult topics early so that Ray can do the easy ones on his own.

Finally after One and a half hour, bell rung and we both stood up, Ray seems to be in a hurry. I was busy with packing my stuff while Ray stood up grabbed his stuff and left after saying

"be on time for the lunch" And gave me a peck on my lips.

Okay...so is it only me or everyone is behaving weird today?

Sighing I adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder and made my way towards the canteen. Although It was our daily routine to walk to the canteen together. I don't know why Ray went alone today.

Just before I was entering the canteen Chase stopped me.

I gave him a quizzical look, he gestured me to follow him and I did so. He gave me a small light pink paper bag and asked me to give it to Claire. He didn't answer my question when I asked him why can't he give it to her. He just shrugged it and told me to message him once I give it to her.

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