meeting her

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I watched as May was being the sweet little lady she is. And how Salina reacted

As she told her to go find something and walked away I saw Salina walk around and start looking. She stopped moving I guess she was a little nervous so she grabbed the closest book to her. And headed up to the cash register talked to May a little bit and paid and left  through the door.

Man I didn't mean to scare her like that. The bond must already be working, she will start to change throughout the next year. That means I only have a year before she changes into a full mermaid.

I waited a little bit and went up to May, I think May is pretty cool she is a mermaid too but she can stay on land as long as she wants  since she already found her soul half. He died about five years ago. She prefers to stay on land but sometimes she will come out for a swim with me.

 I slowly stride towards May. I fall slowly onto the couch. "Hey May how are you doing?"

"Oh I'm pretty good sweet heart. Did you see the pretty new girl that just came in? she starts pulling plastic off of new books that she has ordered. I can see that some are so old that they came in tissue paper. I don't know how she is able to get the books she has but that is her secret to keep.

 I nervously start to rub my hands together." That is actually what I wanted to talk about."

"Well get to it I ain't getting any younger!"

"Well Salina is my soul half" I say nervously as I fiddle with my hands.

"So that is why she left in such a hurry she probably felt your heated gaze for so long that she got creeped out. I don't blame the girl if I felt the gaze of my soul half and I didn't know who it was I would probably freak out Wait! that is exactly how it went for me." I can tell that this subject saddens her but I push on.

"Well how did you meet" I ask her. Silently praying that she doesn't snap at me

"Well I guess it is time for me to tell you how Oscar and I met. I was human as you already know and I was just going in to college when he started stalking me. It made It more creepier for us women because we get dreams about are soul halves so it makes it weird since your seeing your dream man in real life." She laughs lightly as she thinks back to that time.

"Okay back to the point I always went to the bead store back in my old town and there were lots of shelves so it was really easy to sneak or hide around and watch people. And that is what my dear Oscar did every day and for the first time it was really creepy since it felt like being on a stage when he watched me every day. So finally I started looking around to see who was watching me every day and when I did find him he was falling off a stool trying to get away and hide. When I asked him why he was stalking me?"

He said "He was looking at how beautiful I looked looking confused and mad when I got the feeling of him watching me. And he said he loved to do it every day since he was really scared to just come up to me and ask me on a date.

"I thought it was really sweet that he was so nervous to ask me so I asked him and he started to pout since the Boy was supposed to ask the girl out not the other way around so then he asked me and of course I said yes."

"It was really cute and it took about two weeks of dates and hanging out with each other for me to fall in love with him. And when I did find out I was really in love with him I just came out and told him since I am usually strait forward.

He said he had been waiting for me to tell him since he didn't want to rush me. Then he told me what he was. I of course didn't believe him, but he showed me and it was the most magical thing I had seen."

The Mermans love #Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora