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I look at my brother in disgust. How could he do this to human beings. If he can do this, what is he willing to do to my soul half.

"Its not what it looks like Seth. I'm just doing what is required for my job." He drops the girl not even a ounce of respect in the gesture. I wonder who her family is and if they will even be able to bury her after finding her. If they find her that is.

"Oh really its not what it looks like? It looks like you murdered an innocent teen girl in a dark dank cave. Are you even going to return her to land or just let her rot at the bottom of the ocean?" I didn't even want to look at him I start to take a closer look at the cave that we are in. Rough grey walls of granite with deep indents here and there. If you looked closer it actually looked like there where scratch marks and lines of dry blood that looked years old.

The ceiling was covered in a glowing moss that smelt like rotting flesh. But the water was actually crystal clear but with the rank moss at the bottom giving it a light glow.  I was so focused on the looks of the cave that I missed everything that Adriano said. I look up and can see the frustration in his eyes.

"Are you even listening to me Seth! I'm serious about this and about your soul half! I just don't want what happened to me to happen to you guys." I can see the frantic look of despair in his eyes. His whole body is shaking with energy to do something. What it is. I really don't know.

"What are you even talking about?" all I feel is frustration. Everything starts to click in my mind and it doesn't make any sense. I sit down on the wet rock before I do I put on some shorts that I brought with me and toss a pair to Adriano.

I look away while he puts his on. Not even waiting to start lecturing me of all people. "Wow your unbelievable I'm trying to explain everything to you and you have the nerve to ignore me. Well if you want to risk the life of your soul half go ahead because I am starting to care less now. Maybe you should learn first hand what it feels like to have her ripped away from you!" I can see that he is starting to get ready to leave and I know that I need to stop him before he leaves. I need to know what is really going on.

"I'm sorry start from the beginning and tell me the story." I let out a sigh of frustration when I watch him walk towards the girl and throws her into the water. I watch as her flesh starts to disintegrate before my eyes. I'm starting to wonder what type of water that is. Or maybe its the moss. All I know is I sure in hell don't want to touch it.

"Well firsthand I am no murder. I work for the S.O.S. Which means Supernatural Officer Saviors. We exterminate threats to humans and supernaturals. I actually started when I met my soul half. She was one of the saviors and was one of the many reasons why she was taken. It looks like I murdered her for no reason but I didn't. She has been hired as a assassin to murder different family throughout the country. And she was getting ready to murder Salinas family today. So your welcome."

"Are you saying that you don't kill for the hell of it? You actually have a purpose for all of this." I walk up to my brother and look him in the eyes. I can see the honest truth in his eyes. Its then and there that I know. I never lost my brother it was my fault that I never believed him. I should have believed him.

"I-" he starts to say but I interrupt him." I believe you" as I say this I look him the eyes and give him a hug. "Just don't leave me again."

"I promise I Won't" he pulls back and looks at me "I swear I will talk to you this time"

"So how is it going with Salina? I hope I didn't scare her off. I was just trying to give you the push to talk to her about you know what." He starts to head towards the front the cave I follow.

"Its going okay. But I just started to hang out with her and I pretty much left her in the dust after I found out you were here I knew I had to find you and keep you away."

"I know I know you where scared but now you can go back and start winning your girl before its to late. Now shoo boy go get your girl." he starts chuckling as he dives into the water and disappears with out a trace.

"I coming back to you Salina and this time I'm not leaving." I toss my shorts off and dive into the cold depths of the ocean.



Thank you everyone for reading!! Please comment any suggestions and try my new book Zombies Death and Romance!. I promise its not as bad as it sounds.


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