What it's all about

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Hey! I'm Olive and I am a 19 year-old university student in New Zealand. Over the past wee while, some crazy stuff has been happening in my life and maybe if I write it down it'll feel a little more real (and possibly entertain you). I feel like I've been living a novel, so why not write it into one? 

You have to understand that I am no writer. I have no training, no real interest to be honest. I am a great speaker, some may phrase that as a 'chatter box', so I figured that if I write how I speak, it can't be too bad! Right? Well I suppose we'll find out.

What I am going to be writing about sounds crazy, and it is. It will make me look crazy, but I have decided that I am going to write the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Sorry, I watch to many legal dramas. 

You are in for romance and more than a little bit of mystery. 

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