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I looked out the window as we drove back to the house and the problems came rushing back to me. We had so much fun, well we spend most of the time in a bad, naked, but that was the way I wanted it. We talked about everything and more importantly I learned that I couldn't really hurt so I could stop worrying about that. I looked over to him as his phone buzzed and he glanced at it.

"Get that for me." He said as I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said looking out the window still.

"Oh, Amara...I was hoping to talk to Noah." Lana or Raya said to me.

"Oh, Alright." I said putting the phone down.

"It's your sister." I said and he nodded.

I put the phone on speaker and but it in the cup holder and as Noah pulled to a red light.

"What is it Raya?' Noah asked.

"Well, I need to talk with you about Lana." She said sadly.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked pulling off to the side of the road.

"Well, the vampire attacks on the house...She the one trying to kill Amara." She whispered into the phone.

I looked at the phone shocked by what she just said and looked at Noah who looked shocked but calm.

"Do you have proof of this Raya?" I asked and she took in a shape breath.

"Yes Amara, It's her." She said sadly.

"Okay Raya, since it's not safe for Amara back at the pack house we are going to stop by a pack motel. I'll text you where it is so you can come and talk with me." Noah said hanging up the phone.

I was shocked by all of this, I knew they didn't like me but dame. I looked at Noah who didn't seemed phased by any of this as he picked up his phone.

"Is this not bothering you!" I yelled making him jump a little.

"That fucking scared me!" He yelled back to me making my ears ring.

"Amara calm down, I know what I'm doing." He said calm again and I looked at him still holding my ears.

"I didn't mean to us my Alpha tone on you, I know it must have hurt your ears." He said calling someone.

"Sterling I need you to meet with me." He said and the pink smoke filled the car.

"How can I help you two?" He said from the back seat.

I looked back at him and he smiled move forward some and he seemed fine being around me now.

"You look fine around me now." I said smiling.

"Well, with a little training and will power I'm fine" She said smiling.

"Sterling." Noah said and he looked at him.

"Can a vampire control you without you ever knowing, but you keep those memories of when it happened?" Noah asked.

"Yeah you can, its simple mind control, any vampire can do it." He said and I looked at him.

"That explains a lot, How old are you Sterling?" Noah asked looking to the road.

"Well, I'm almost 800 years old, my birthday is next month." He said smiling.

Noah just sat there thinking but I didn't listen in as Sterling was still talking to me.

"I'm stronger then any vampire that would work for someone. I could tell all of those vampire are just made or at the most a 100 years old. No vampire would get tricked into going after a fairy unless they need too, your people are dangerous to us." He said looking at my wings.

"Raya's lying." Noah said smiling.

"What? Are you sure?" I asked touching his arm.

"Yeah I'm sure and I know how she pulled the whole thing off as well. I feel stupid for not seeing now, when it as in my face the whole time." He said chuckling.

"Sterling stay close I'm going to need you later." Noah said and Sterling nodded leaving behind his pink smoke.

Noah didn't say anything more to me just drove heading to a motel I'm assuming. He looked angry but at the same time sad, so I reached over placing my hand onto his leg. He didn't look at me just kept driving. I rubbed my hand up and down his leg slowly thinking of how many times we made love in that field yesterday.

"After this we can do it again." He said smiling.

"Tell me what happened Noah?" I asked him as we stopped in front of a motel.

We both got out and a old man walked to us with a warm smile. His wife walked behind him and handed me keys to a room. They  both slowly walked away the man had a cane and his wife slowly walked behind him. Are me and Noah going to be together that long? Everything in me really  hoped so. We both walked into our room and Noah sat down letting out a deep breath.

"When I had to kill my father, something my mother already told you we all were heart broken. I loved my father, I truly didn't but what kind of man would I have been if I let him kill our pack. The thing is I didn't just kill him myself, my mother helped me do it because he was to strong because he was to far gone. Lana and Raya didn't know it happened till after everything was done and they both broke down. Lana just closed herself down, never leaving her room and Raya just turned into a monster." Noah said looking at me.

I sat next to him resting my arm on his shoulder and he smiled looking back at my wings.

"Raya was my dads favorite and she was going to get the pack once he passed but since I kill him I got it. I never worried about getting my dads back because I'm a natural alpha and I would build my own and in some ways I did. Raya wants to kill me, Lana and mom but killing you Amara is just a strong way to get to me. The bad part is I don't know if I can kill my sister, another part of my family." Noah said putting his hand overs his face.

I stood and my blood boiled that this little girl though that she could kill him, but I smiled at the though of her killing me. I looked down at my phone and I called Aunt Kim.

"Do you think she will have vampire with her?" I asked Noah.

"She will and everyone that's willing to work with her." He said walking to me.

"I think we need more back up." I said looking at him and he nodded.

"Yeah, I already connected with Colm and they are on the way with everyone but first we need to make love, to ready ourselves." He said pulling me into a kiss.

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