11.New and Bad

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Amara P.O.V

The next morning I woke up and saw Noah getting dressed for work and I smiled thinking of last night. I never though sex could be that amazing and with him I'm sure it was the best sex in the world.

"Thank you dear, happy you enjoyed yourself." He said fixing his tie.

I was confused by that, what the hell did he do read my dame mind.

"Yes I did." He said turning to me.

"You can read my mind now?" I said stepping out of bed.

I walked over to him and he smiled at me as I got closer. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him, then kissed my forehead.

"Yes, I'm every part of you.." He softly touched my mark making me shiver.

"And you're every part of me." He said placing my hand over his mark.

I can't understand the filling I got from touching his mark. It wasn't turning me on but made me fill happy in a way I never felt.

"I know that fill you're getting because I fill it to." He said looking at the mark.

I looked up at him and then he gave me a strange look tilting his head to the side. He slowly picked me up and gave another confused dog look.

"What's the matter puppy?" I asked and he looked up at me.

"Did you get smaller?" He asked.

"I can't get shorter over night." I said confused myself now.

"No did you lose weight, you fill ten pounds lighter." He said putting me on the ground.

"No, maybe you got stronger." I said making him smile.

I looked at the clock and saw it was ten already and then saw how I looked. Like I just had sex with a wild and then washed my hair and fell asleep.

"That is what happened to you but don't worry about that you're not coming to work with me today." He said brushing his hair back.

"Why not?" I asked slightly happy but sad to leave him.

"Well you became a full fairy and a Luna yesterday, its time for you to take on that roll today." He said walking to the door.

"And what am I suppose to do?" I asked putting my hand on my waist.

"You are in charge of the house when I'm not here, you do everything. I'll be back soon in maybe 2 hours." He said smiling as he walked out the room.

I can't help but smile at my wolf mate as I was left alone, I love him so much.

"And I love you too." His voice rang in my ear and I felt a little better.

I'm not sure how he did it but I didn't question it either, I just shower and got dressed. I put on a tank top so my wings could breath and I touched the paper thin wings smiling at the rainbow colors forming on them. I came out the room and walked into Colm who was heading for my room I think.

"Luna." He said stopping in front of me.

I just looked at him wondering what he wanted from me and I realized that I didn't know much about this guy.

"Luna, Alpha told me you fill be here today so I wanted you to know you do have a connection with me just like you and Alpha have." He said.

"I can talk to you in your head to?" I asked.

"Yes." He said as I walked pass him.

He followed behind me as I walked down the stairs and into main hall. I saw a pack of young men standing in the hall that all stood at attention for me.

"Colm, what is this?" I asked.

"This is the hunting pack, and they are waiting for your orders." He said moving into attention with them.

I didn't know what to tell them to do and I hoped Noah would say something to me. He never did so I said the fist thing that came to mind.

"Alright then, go and check around the house for anything wrong. If you find anything notify me and I'll deal with it." I said and everyone nodded heading for the front door.

I walked to the door looking at everyone shift into big wolves and took off like lightening in different directions. I closed the door and headed for the kitchen when I felt a strange filling go over my skin. I looked around and in the smell of food in the air got my attention and I turned heading for the kitchen. I made it to the corner when I was grabbed by my hair pulling me back to the ground.

"You smell wonderfully." I dark voice said to me.

I looked back seeing a man behind me and his long sharp teeth told me what he was already. I stood trying to run but he grabbed me pulling me into the hall and out of sight from others.

"I haven't smelled something so wonderful in hundreds for years." He said with an ugly grin.

I moved and my wing flexed hitting him and me moved back grabbing his arm. He was burned by me and his dark hissed filled the house just as the pack ran in braking down the door. He looked at them and tried to run but I moved to him grabbing his arm and my wing landed on his back he fell to the ground in pain. He screamed out as Noah ran into the house with a panicked look on his face.

He looked at the vampire with rage in his face and then to my wing on his back. I wasn't sure why my wing hurts him but it was working. Noah looked around and walked into his office and then quickly coming back with handcuffs that he snapped around his wrist and the smell of his skin burning made me sick.

"Are you alright?" He asked not looking at me.

"Yeah." I said looking back at the growling wolves that looked at the vampire.

"Kill him Amara." Noah said in a deep voice I've never heard before.

I looked down at the vampire that still looked at me with a uncontrollable look of lust and hunger. I wanted to kill him but a part of me fought that filling and I wanted to show him love.

"Amara stop thinking like that, you have fight in your blood that's why there was a sword in your star. Now stop acting like this and kill him!" He yelled at me.

I looked down at the man and before I could really act I flexed my wing and it wrapped around his neck squeezing tight on him. He shuck and slowly fell back till the life was out of him, I felt sick like I need to throw up but more so I was confused by everything that just happened and by myself.

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