Chapter Twenty-One

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Levy was still upset the next morning when there was a knock at her door. She was shocked to see that it was Gajeel. He looked different—better. His face wasn't red and puffy around the eyes, and he wasn't stuck in his drunken haze.


She didn't have the energy to be mad at him anymore.

"Levy, I'm sorry," he said. He sounded like he meant it. The word "sincere" crossed Levy's mind.

"It's okay, Gajeel. You don't have to tell me. It's your business."

"No, I, uh, want you to know. Can I, uh, come in?"

"Uh, yeah," Levy said, moving aside. They sat down, and Levy could feel his change in the air between them. It wasn't just the lack of alcohol in his bloodstream. Gajeel was ready to tell her everything. Gajeel trusted her.

"My, uh, dad," Gajeel started. "Well, more like my teacher, but he raised me. His name was Metalicana. It was a stage name, of course, and he was the best. He's the one who taught me sword swallowing." He paused.

"It was my fault... He was practicing, and I distracted him. There was an accident. He pierced..." A sob shook his voice. He wiped the tear from his eye, and took a deep breath. "He pierced through his throat. I didn't know that they couldn't save him. I tried to help him, but..." He had to pause again. "Juvia told me he'd left the hospital, that he'd checked out. I thought he'd left me. I always thought he'd come back. I'd been waiting for him for years, but, uh, Juvia told me... She told me what really happened. Metalicana didn't make it. They didn't tell me because they thought I couldn't handle it, and they were right. Not even now. I'm sorry."

Gajeel stood up to walk away, but Levy stopped him. "Gajeel, wait. I'm sorry, too. I should have been more understanding."

"You didn't know."

"It doesn't matter. I should have been supportive. Not demanding."

She smiled.

He smiled.

"I'll be at the show today," he said, and he walked out, closing the door behind him.     

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