Chapter Eleven

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Gajeel averted his eyes.


He didn't answer. "Levy," he pleaded, "I just..."

"Look," she said more sternly than she'd intended. "I can understand that it's tough, and I want to respect your privacy, but it's interfering with your work, and that makes it my business, Gajeel."

"I- I can't. I-I'm sorry."

And he left. He just stood up and walked out, and what stood out most to Levy was that he didn't slam the door. He closed it behind him. Quietly. Gently.

Levy threw a hand in the air as she sat down. Now, she was the one that wanted to break something. She didn't understand what could this painful for him about this Metalicana-whoever that was-, but everyone has secrets.

Life with the circus went back to normal-or as close to it as it ever was. Levy watched the shows. Gajeel disappeared after his act. They didn't talk. Several times, Levy tried to call him, but he never picked up. Several more times, she had to convince herself not to even try.

Whenever he preformed, Gajeel looked like he always did: arrogant, confident, amused - like life was a game. Levy knew it was far from it. The mask of false emotion he put on was so expertly crafted that she could almost forget he was broken behind it.

A/N: Sorry about the wonky spacing... It's not showing up the right way in the reader. Maybe it will fix itself eventually. :/ Also, I know this chapter is pretty short (and there are more short chapters coming), but this story is nearing it's end and both narrators still have things to, well, narrate. Please don't hate me for my briefness. >_< Thanks for reading! 

Edit: The spacing is better!  (But it's still not the way I want it... What does Wattpad have against indentation?!)

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