Part 15- Talking Helps

Start from the beginning

" Is she not wearing a sports bra? ". I whisper as Erza walked in first. I then follow her a few seconds later as she walked toward Lucy. I stop a few feet away from them as Erza went around Lucy to sit beside her. She looked down at her with a gentle smile. Lucy had the blanket covering her lower body with her upper body exposed. I look down at my feet, not wanting to stare at my caretaker for so long.

" Hold on Ruby ". I heard Erza mutter under her breath. I nod automatically, putting my hands behind my back. I held my hands together as I heard Erza then Lucy shift. I heard Lucy moan tiredly then grumble. I heard the sheets move then a soft sigh.

" There ". Erza whispered and I look up. Erza was spooning Lucy from behind with Lucy resting her head on Erza's bicep. Erza had an arm around her stomach over the blanket as it covered the both of them. I walk forward, taking a seat on the floor Infront of their bed. It was weird seeing them cuddle with such ease. It's not an odd thing for mates to do but it just reminds me of Weiss...

" Just speak low ". Erza said with her temple against Lucy's. I nod, looking at Lucy. Her expression was an example of ease. There were dark faded circles around her eyes but there wasn't any stress on her face. I frown, looking away and to the stone floor. I could really use a nap right about now.

" I don't understand our way of arguing. When it comes to it, it's really bad. I can go too far, she can go too far, or We both do. We both get hurt but either from actual hurt of our feelings and the other guiltiness ". I said as softly as I can muster. I stare at the ground blankly with a frown on my face.

" It can take a short or long period of time before one of us apologizes first. But what I don't understand the most is our actions. She made me and yang get out without having us apologize. She yelled at us... she yelled at me ". I said my voice starting to get lower. My chest felt tight and I felt like crying again but didn't have enough moisture to do so.

" She yelled at me saying I was childish... that something is wrong with us, with me. That I'm immature... ". I trail off with a low whisper. I whimper, my chest hurting more. It even felt hard to breathe. I put a hand to my chest and take deep breaths. My eyes hurt because I want to cry but can't. Only a little water came out but not a lot.

" I-Im not like that anymore... I-it feels like I'm not good e-enough. Does she not t-think so? Am I... am I really S-stupid and childish that she won't like me? ". I stutter with a pain in my voice. I look at Erza and she looked at me with deep concern and anger?... yeah, anger.

" Don't say that. You aren't. Yeah, you can be really enthusiastic and playful but never childish nor stupid. Your the most strongest person I have ever met. You are the most respected in this pride and the most strong-willed and intelligent ". She said seriously with a very low voice. I look at her with a slight panicked expression and she smiles assuringly.

" We all saw and raised you to be the Faunus you are now. You have no idea how proud we think of you. You, and your sister are the best thing that ever happened to us. To Summer and Taiyang ". She spoke fondly. My panic subsided and I was able to calm down.

" Don't forget who you really are. And you know how she is... she's unstable with this. She was raised like this ". She whispered nuzzling into Lucy's hair. I look down to the stone floor, lowering my hand away from my chest. I inhale a deep breath and close my eyes. She's right. I can hear it in her voice. I can never forget how much I love all of them and how much they all love me.

" She's probably freaking out right now. She's smart enough to realize it by now ". I heard Erza whisper. I look up and see Erza kiss Lucy's cheek softly. Lucy hummed pleasantly and I even saw her smile a tiny bit. Erza smiled then looked at me. " You should go. I'm sure you'll figure it out ". She whispered encouragingly. I nod, smiling back.

I stand up, doing a bow to them afterwards. " Thank you ". I said softly and she nodded. I turn around and make my way out the den. Once I walked out, I take a right. I want to see yang and how she is doing at the moment.

It took a few minutes but I finally approach yang's den. Once I step inside, I stop in place. Why is she here?

" Hope? ".

I said outloud. She jumped, spinning around to face me. I raise an eyebrow, looking at the bed to see yang's cub asleep together. Tai and Li were huddled up against belle as she had her arms around them. They look so peaceful. They must have been tired from the hunt.

" You scared me ". Hope said in a low tone. She walked to me with narrowed eyes and I smile sheepishly. " Sorry ". I whisper. She approached me and stopped Infront of me. I take in her appearance and noticed she had a bandage around her left bicep. She huffs and I look up at her.

" Antelope. One of their horns scratched me deep. Calliopie killed it quick ". She said softly. I nod and her expression turned into concern. " Hey... how you holding up? ". She asked with a low tone. I just smile a little which made her look at me unconvinced.

" I had a talk with Erza and I feel better, I swear. And I was going to see yang but she's not here ". I said with a frown. She sighs then looks over her shoulder to the Cubs. " Well, we can't just leave the Cubs here. Do you mind making a fire while I go get calliopie? ". She asked looking back at me. She smiled at me and I smile back.

" Yeah. No problem ". I said softly. She did a small bow " Thank you ". She said then walked past me. I turn around, looking up at the sky. The sun was setting and nightfall was making its apperance. I suck in a sharp breath and turn around again. I walk to the right side of the cave where they had a crate full of wood and sticks. Even having a lighter attached to the crate. Yang really likes lighters.

It took me ten minutes but I finally made a fire in the middle of the cave. It was surrounded by round rocks so the wood wouldn't slip out or anything. I was seated on the bed next to the Cubs. I look at them, smiling fondly. Rin and Mei would always sleep on archer. I hope they're sleeping okay at my den.

" You guys don't know how much we all love you ". I whispered. My hearing caught the sound of two pairs of footsteps approaching the den. I look away from the Cubs and towards the entrance of the den. It was now dark outside and Hope and Calliopie just walked in.

" Good job on the fire ". Hope said as they walk toward me. I nod, watching as they sat on the other side of the Cubs. Calliopie sat down first with Hope sitting down in her lap. I look towards the fire not wanting to look any longer. Can they wait until June or July? That's when mating -- sex season is what Annie and yang calls it -- season starts.

" Hey Ruby ".

I look towards them and calliopie was hugging onto hope's torso. She looked at me with her usual nonchalant expression while Hope looked at the fire. " You staying here? We can watch them just fine ". She said and I shake my head. I have feeling I should wait until tomorrow morning.

" No... I'll stay. I'm gonna leave at sunset ". I said softly. She nods and I look away. I move to stand on all fours, backing up onto the blanket bed. It was really soft and cushiony. I go in a circle before laying down on my stomach. I take a pillow and place it under my chin. I close my eyes, letting out a relaxed sigh.

Yeah, I'll just wait till morning...

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