George engaged in friendly small-talk with his contacts at the Met Police while the rest of us busied ourselves trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. It was evident from their manner that the two police officers had no idea of the nature of our organisation, and likely presumed us to be common criminals who wanted limited exposure to the law. While finishing his tea and chatting to George, the taller police officer leaned against the dividing door to the disposal room. I was glad he did not possess our senses and therefore could not notice the stench of blood and decomposition from the pile of Rogues rapidly mummifying just a few metres away.

Just as the two corrupt police officers were saying their goodbyes to their friend George, the door hinges strained briefly then popped off the wall and the door crashed to the ground. In strutted two immaculately dressed beautiful people.

One appeared to be a young woman, who wore a beautiful pale yellow summer dress the same colour as her long hair. The man was slightly older, very tall, in a bespoke navy three-piece suit with neat dark slicked-back hair. His muscles would have been bulging through his clothes if they were not so perfectly tailored.

"What the f-fuck!" spat the female in a rage. Her pretty face suddenly contorting into a twisted fury. "Where is-s my dinner? Why are all the s-supplies-ss empty? Why are you s-so incompetent!?"
Both her canines and incisors were large and sharp fangs, giving her a perpetual menacing hiss.

In our shock as we realised the two intruders were actually Elders, we entirely forgot about the two Human police officers. Michael rushed forward to bow and explain the situation to the female Elder.

"The stocks have only been dry for a few hours, we will have it fixed soon", he grovelled.
"Unacc-septable!" she hissed ferociously and slapped him with the back of her hand.
Michael was thrown to the ground with a deep gash on his forehead where an ornate ring on her finger had cut to his skull. After scrambling to his feet, the usually foul tempered Michael bowed respectfully to the two Elders, blood cascading down his face and splashing onto the floor.

"Whoa what's going on 'ere?" interrupted the taller police officer. The female Elder turned to look at him, noticing him for the first time.
"Oh s-so you do have s-some s-supplies remaining. I hope you weren't keeping thes-se for yourselves-s", she said to us while smiling sweetly at the police officer who had dared speak to her. Her incisors and canines protruded over her red lips when she smiled, shattering the illusion of friendliness.

She rushed forward and pounced onto the chest of her target with incredible speed, wrapping her legs around him and plunging her fangs into his throat. He fell backwards onto the stone floor as she straddled his chest. The male Elder appeared behind the shorter police officer and sank his teeth into his jugular so quickly that the cup of tea he had dropped in shock had yet to shatter on impact with the stone floor. The two Elders drained the policemen dry while we watched.

"Fix the s-situation!" hissed the male Elder after his exsanguinated police officer fell limply to the floor. "One does-s not appreciate being f-forced to hunt. If-f this-s continues one may be f-forced to take out f-frustrations on the donors-s and you will have a lot more to deal with."

He did not have the furious tone of the female Elder but instead appeared perturbed at the notion of having to talk to his servants to issue orders, as if it demeaned him by association.

The female wiped the blood off her face with the back of her arm as she rose to her feet. The male Elder dabbed at the blood at the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief from his breast pocket. They walked together through the hole where the smaller of the doors had recently stood. They were greeted silently by the silhouettes of men in suits carrying black umbrellas, who opened the doors to the back seat of the waiting Rolls Royce before driving away.

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