28.| It's Rough All Over

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Slowly, I turn towards Dr Ripley, trying to think of any way we could talk him out of this. But who am I kidding? This is Merka we're talking about. He's ruthless, and he'll never agree to help us.

"Just what are you doing in the Inquisitor's office?" He questions bitterly, folding his arms over his chest. As usual Merka is wearing all black clothing. He's glaring at us. Closing my eyes for one more moment, I think of Uncle Jinx, trapped in a cold, lonely cell somewhere, preparing for his death, crying about all the horrible things he's done, or that have happened to him. Maybe he's on his knees right now, praying for a miracle. Or perhaps he is brave, having resigned himself to his fate. The vision causes new tears to stream down my cheeks.

"We're in here because of my uncle," the words fall from my lips softly, yet they are drenched with pleading and sorrow. Merka shakes his head as if he can't believe that we're having this conversation.

"Please. He doesn't deserve to die," I continue to beg. Dr Ripley lets out a deep sigh, stuffing his hands in his pants' pockets as he scuffs his shoes on the floor. 

"What you're going to do to him is wrong. He never asked for this," I sob as my tears slide down my cheeks, hanging on my chin for a moment before splattering against the shiny white floor. "None of us did." Merka shuts his eyes as his cold, arrogant façade melts away. Without his self-righteous smirk, or his cruel, disapproving glare he's just a man. Scared and defeated. Like the rest of us. 

"Magnolia, I have no say in your Uncle's fate." His words are gentle, his tone dripping with despair. Dr Ripley is deeply upset by my pleading. 

"You have to do something, or... he'll die." My voice cracks as sobs wrack my body again. Kellan places a hand on my shoulder, trying to console me. An exasperated groan escapes Merka's lips as he rubs his temples. He begins pacing back and forth, cursing and mumbling things to himself as if he's at war with himself. He stops suddenly, listening for only a split second before ushering us out of the Inquisitor's office. He opens the door, checking that the halls are clear before leaving the office. I follow, curious about what he's up to. Kellan catches up to us after he shuts the door.

Merka is almost running and I struggle to keep up with him. He slows his pace when he sees a couple Inspectors in the distance. Merka grabs my arm roughly, shoving me forward. 

"Hurry up!" he snaps, pushing Kellan in front of him. Oh great. He's going to turn us in. 

"You found them?" One of the officers confirms as we get closer. Dr Ripley nods. 

"They were sneaking around," he states, throwing a glare in our direction.

"Would you like us to escort them back to their cells?" The second officer questions. Merka shakes his head. 

"Thank you, officer, but that won't be necessary. I've got the situation under control," he assures them. The officers nod and continue walking. Once we round the corner, Dr Ripley picks up his pace again, and he doesn't slow down until we reach his office. He has a card similar to the ones that Mr. Scott gave us and he slips into the slot by the door. The lock clicks and Merka opens the door, waiting for us to enter. Once all three of us are inside, he shuts the door and locks it. He hurries over to his computer and starts typing. There are a couple of 'dings' and then the security cameras  in the corner go limp. Merka gestures for us to sit in the two seats in front of his desk and he takes the comfortable office chair across from us. Merka clears his throat, giving both of us pointed looks before beginning to speak. 

"What were you two doing in the Inquisitor's office. I want the truth." His words are panicked. Kellan takes a deep sigh and reaches into his pocket to get the card. He's about to hand it over but I stop him, shaking my head.  Kellan meets my gaze. 

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