♦️ Chapter 14 || The Bucket ♦️

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I closed my eyes preparing for the worst but seconds later my hand fell to my side and Jake was no where to be found.

I clutched my wrist with my other hand. I noticed it was beginning to swell with a bruise beginning to form around it.

• • •

  "You did what my dear?" The school nurse asked me as she examined my wrist.

"I accidentally slammed it into the lockers" I said as convincing as possible.

The nurse obviously could tell I was lying but still chose to go with the story.

"You are very lucky it isn't broke" she paused, "had you... Slammed it into the locker any harder your wrist would have broke."

She carefully rested my hand down and ran to the fridge for some ice.

"Keep this ice on till the end of the day or until it turns completely liquid. Which ever comes first." She smiled, "you need to be more careful. Winter break is coming up shortly and we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you."

I smiled back, "Thank you, I will be more careful."

I stood up and exited the nurse's office with the ice on my wrist.

No one seemed to notice me, thank goodness, as I walked back to my English classroom. English was long over but I had left my stuff by my desk.

On my way to the class I spotted someone who I wish I didn't.


He glared right at me.

As I began to put my head down to face the ground I noticed Jake saw the bag of ice on my wrist and his eyes shifted.

His eyes shifted to sorrow.

I shook off any thought of Jake and kept walking to the class.

Jake is Jake. He doesn't care about anything. He has no feelings. Stop thinking he will change because guess what Nicole.... HE WONT.

I entered the classroom and it was completely empty, Ms. Cast wasn't even there.

I let out a sigh of relief as I walked to my desk to pick up my belongings.

After my backpack was snug on my back I exited the class room and made my way towards history.

"Hey Nicole! Wait up." I heard a voice call from behind me.

I turned around to find Liam running to catch up to me.

"Hey Liam" I quietly said once he reached me.

He chuckled "You know... your really shy."

I ducked my head to face the ground.

"But it's really cute." He stated.

I continued looking at the floor as I began to blush.

Liam soon asked a certain question I really didn't want to answer.

"What happened to your wrist?"

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