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Freddie's POV

I wish Carly and Sam would just MAKE up! They are on the window washer's platform, in a middle of a SERIOUS argument.

"Girls! Get back inside, right now!" I shouted at them, They both can get hurt.

"I'm NOT going back inside until SHE apologizes to ME!" Sam yelled while basically blaming it on Carly.

"Well, I'm NOT going back inside until SHE apologizes to ME!" Carly yelled too.

"You guys are friends, you shouldn't be fighting." Dave told them both.

"Yeah, and friends shouldn't fight!" I think they are realizing their friendship and by 'they' I mean Dave and Flex.

I'm really nervous, the platform started moving because it's really windy. Sam stumbled backwards and accidentally hit the red button, which makes the platform go. When I saw the platform go, I started to get terrified. You know, one of them can fall right off the platform well I'm NOT letting that happen!

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" We all yelled well screamed at the same time.

"You hit the green button." Carly told Sam, which made Sam look annoyed.

"Well, it's not my fault." Sam thinking that Carly is blaming it on her.

"Hit the red button!" Carly told Sam, very nervously.

"Okay!" Sam hit it and the platform broke, which made Carly slipped off and held on the railing for dear life!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We all screamed! I'm terrified, what if Carly falls off it, then I could lose one of my best friends.

"CARLY! DON'T LET GO!" Sam yelled to Carly but Carly didn't reply because she was SOO terrified.

Sam's POV

I know, I'm not supposed to be scared but what if Carly actually falls off then I could lose my best friend and ... sister that I never had.

Carly was screaming, I could hear her screams very loud.

"SAM, HELP ME!" I tried to but how am I going to do that?

Freddie's POV

"Hang on, I'm coming to get ya." Sam told Carly but what about if Sam falls too? Then I can lose her too ...

"Sam, be careful!" I yelled down to Sam while holding my hand down. Why am I more worried about Sam than Carly ???

"Okay." She started to slid down carefully by holding on to the railings.

"Moma's coming. I'm not scared." I can tell she is.

"Sam, what are you doing?!" SPENCER??? WHERE DID YOU COME FROM ????

"JUST RELAX!" Sam screamed up to Spencer well basically at Spencer. We all watching with worry looks, what about if they both fall? Then they can be ... I can't say it!

"GRAB MY HAND!" Sam held her hand to Carly. I'm watching with a terrified look, will they make it?

We were all watching with relief looks on our faces to see the girls working together.

"Okay, gonna throw down the rope!" Spencer threw it down, it hit Sam on the back, and she went flying off the platform.

"SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed her name, not surprised if I wake up, all of Seattle. I ran down the stairs as quick as I could. I could hear her powerful screams through the air. As I could hear her, I was thinking that she falling into Darkness.

As I got there ... I saw ...

"SAM!" I ran over to her; fell onto my knees. I realized, she's not dead. Phew! She's unconscious, just held her in my arms, close to my chest. I didn't realize that she didn't have red in her hair until I saw ... blood dripping down her hair ... I'm SO terrified.

"Sam? SAM!" I started to check for a pulse. Phew! She's still alive but weak.

I didn't realize that I was crying until I saw and felt tear drops coming down my face. I didn't notice the Ambulance coming until a group of men literally took her out of my arms. As I saw her strapped to the board; she just looked so innocent and broken. She doesn't deserve this.

"Can I come?" I asked them.

"Sure. Is she your girlfriend?" So they will only let me on, if she's my girlfriend???

"N... Yes!" I lied to them, of course she's not my girlfriend. On the ambulance, I held her hand and hoping to God, that she will be alright.

It's been days since Sam been in the hospital, I stayed with her. I sat in a chair next to her hospital bed, I've fell asleep with head on her bed, and with her hand in mine. Carly stayed too and she blamed herself for this. She wished that they haven't been arguing in the first place or we wouldn't be here and we would be able to see her happy again.

"I'm SORRY Freddie, I didn't mean to come to this. And because of me, my best friend can be gone ... It's all my fault." She put her head down in disgrace and sobbing her eyes out.

"Carly, it's not your fault. We just need to hope that Sam can make it through this and we know she can."

"But how?" Has she literally forgotten?

"She's Sam Puckett, remember?"

"Oh yeah."

Carly didn't stay all the time, she went home to eat, shower, and basically go on with her life. But I didn't even think about that, I just stayed by Sam's side.

"Sam ... please don't leave me ... please ... I don't think I can live without ..." I started out but I started to cry instead. As I was crying myself to sleep, I felt Sam's hand took hold of mine.

"Sam ... ? ..." I whispered while tears flooding out of my eyes.

"Freddie ... is that you ?" I squeezed her hand and I'm happy because I know that Sam was ALIVE!

"Sam!" I hugged her tight but gentle at the same time.

"What ... Where am I ?" She asked me, she doesn't reconize, where she is!

"In the hospital, do you remember what happened?" I asked with a full of concern.

"I fell out of the platform but what happened ... ? ..." She's starting to worry me.

"Yep, you fell out but you and Carly were having a SERIOUS argument and you nearly ... died." I took a gulp at the end.

"I nearly died?" I nodded my head.

"Carly is VERY sorry." I think she already got it as she gave me look like 'I know, we all know what's she's like.' True.

"...Were you scared?" Scared ... I was TERRIFIED if I lost her!

"...Heck yes ... I was terrified if I lost you." She started to smile as she hugged me and I hugged her back. Best feeling of my life! 

So I hoped you enjoyed that, bye.

So I hoped you enjoyed that, bye

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