"Wait! We never got your names", Charlie shouted before we walked out the door.

"I'm Kelsie and she's Ari", I said.

"And remeber it one direction", Ari says smiling.

The two boys smile bakc as we walk out the door.


the walk back was silent. Too silent. We got to the cabin before anything happened. 

"So where have you two been? You missed dinner", Dad said.

"We ate at the diner, and we met some new people".

"Who?" Asked Nate as he walked into the room.

"Just some guys, thats all", I said.

"Just some guys?" My dad says mocking me.

"Ya, nothing else. Ari and I are going to bed. Goodnight".

"but it's only 7..." My dad says as I walk away.

Ari and I walk into our room and she walks right into her bed and spreads out her arms and legs, sighing while here face is in the bed. 

"So what do you think?", she says

"Of what?".

"The boys", she smiled widly as she sat up.

"I am not interested. I am way to busy looking for the doctor tt check out guys", I say.

"can you atleast tell me which one is cuter?"

"Charlie I guess", I said.

"I like Aaron", she whispers

"Wait what? Aaron? He doesn't seem your type".

"Well what I like about him is that he is a good listener, he is cute, and I can get him, whipped, with a cherry on tpo", she laughs.

"Okay, then go right ahead, I am not in your way".


We sat here for the next hour doing what we do. I was watching tv, well "Doctor Who", as Ari would call it; and Ari was listening to music, and reading magazines. Then she finally spoke up,

"Hey how are you going to find your Doctor?"

"I'm not sure yet, I mean if i hear the sound, or if anyone else hears it or see's the box, then.."

"Wait, what sound", Ari asked.

"The sound the Tardis makes".


"As I was saying if anyone hears or see's the box, then I will know he is here".

"So you are just going to wait?"

"Of course not, who am I, Amy pond?"


"Inside joke", I chuckled.

"Okay, so what are you going to do then?".

"Well, I am going to try and find weeping angels that are willing to get me, like that story Charlie told. Also, I think I am interesting to them or signifigant because of the way the statue up by the office looked at me yesterday, I seem interesting to them", I said.

"If these things are real, then you need to be careful, because the way you talk about them, it doesn't sound good".

"Yes it isn't, but if it means I'm going to find the doctor, then I will take my chances".


It's about one in the morning and both of us were fast asleep, it atleast I was. I didn't know about Ari, she seemed that way as well. I was dreaming about the Doctor. Sometimes in my dreams I see new stories in his future.

I was thinking of what generation of the Doctor would I want to see when I meet him. I honestly would like to see the tenth regeneration, because to me he is the cutest, and the funniest. But who knows I might see him or 11, or even 4.

All of a sudden in my dreams there was something different. I never get anything different than the Doctor. It was flashing quickly and it was making me out of breathe. I saw a vessel maybe a tardis, if thus has something to do with the doctor. It also showed it leaving a planet that looks so familiar, I just can't put my finger on it. It's going faster and faster, and the last thing I saw was a planet being destroyed on some sort of video screen.

Then I woke up. Sitting up in my bed, drenched in sweat, and out of breath, I look over to see Ari still sleeping. All of a sudden I heard something. Something familiar.

"The Tardis!!", I whispered loudly.

I ran downstairs and straight out the door and followed the sound. I could here it getting closer and closer, until I went to a complete stop.

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